Sunday, March 21, 2010

Is that Pro Wrestling or the Healthcare Reform debate?

Today’s Weather. Sunny and Windy. Current temp 48 degrees.

We still have snow in the shaded areas of the yard.

60 Miles east of here, 9 inches of snow.

Supposed to be back up to 75 by Tuesday.

Wife is up North retrieving the Kid.

Cats and I enjoying last few hours of quiet before the kid returns.

College Basketball Tourney on TV but I cannot pull myself away from watching our Lawmakers go at it on CNN. It’s like watching a roomful of Kindergartners, hopped up on too much sugar, all screaming and crying and yanking each others hair out. I’m putting on my hard hat, just in case, because the House GOP Leadership has even me convinced that the actual sky WILL fall if Health Reform passes.

The cats are sitting around the table playing cards.

Have you read some of the alledged text messages that Tiger Woods sent one his “ladies”? That dude is into some freaky you know what……

I called our Insurance Carrier the other day to get authorization for a family member to get some counseling. The person on the phone wanted to know what the “problem” was. I figured that info was private and did not need to be divulged to some temp working in a call center in Mumbai. The person persisted on knowing the reason for counseling. Seeing that I was beat, I told the person that the family member thinks that he/she (the family member) is a Penguin. I got a quick approval for 50 visits.

Dad? Daaaaaaadddd???? Sorry….got distracted by my favorite new E-Trade commercial…

I got a major stomach ache at the moment. Maybe Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich and Barbecue Potato Chips were not a good match after all.

The kid just called from the car on his way home. He called to brag that he is still 2 games ahead of me on our NCAA Bracket contest. (Damn you Kansas!)

This post is sponsored by Sex Panther Cologne. It is made with real bits of Panther so you know it is good.

The kid is now home and pulled up our brackets. We are now tied. I can start to take my head out of the oven now….

Thanks to Tiger Woods, I will never again hear a Weatherman utter the word “Showers” without getting totally disgusted.

In the local crime blotter:

400 block of Country Living Drive – A man’s dog told him that someone poured hot grease on its back.

(That’s a talented dog! Did he give a full statement or just bark out a vague description of the suspect?)

200 block of Rook Ramsey Drive – A man reported that his mother-in-law harasses him via Facebook messages.

(Someone teach this idiot how to “Unfriend” someone from Facebook! Obviously the man is too stupid to be allowed to use a computer!)

600 block of U.S. 81/287 North – Someone wrapped a logging chain around a bill changer at a laundromat in an attempt to steal the machine. An employee observed the attempted theft and the suspect fled the scene.

(Criminals in the big city tie chains around ATM machines in the middle of the night and try to steal them. Here in Hooterville, our criminals go after Laundromat Bill Changing machines….in broad daylight…..with employees present…)

Two new prisoners arrive at the State Pen to start serving their life sentences. A longtime inmate asks the two newcomers what crimes they had been convicted of…

Convict #1 – “I killed a family of Five, their two dogs, their parakeet, and tortured their pet turtle with a rusty fork”

Convict #2 – “I stole $16 from a Laundromat Bill Changing machine after ripping it from the wall with a logging chain”


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