Saturday, October 31, 2009

Oral sex keeps male fruit bats keen

Female short-nosed fruit bats have been observed performing fellatio on their partners during copulation. Mating pairs spent more time copulating if the female did so.

Cynopterus sphinx live in south-east Asia. The males often roost with small groups of females. Min Tan of the Guangdong Entomological Institute in Guangzhou, China, and colleagues captured 30 male and 30 female short-nosed fruit bats in Yuexiu Park in Guangzhou City and observed their mating behaviour in enclosures.

The bats copulate dorso-ventrally, with the male mounting the female from behind. During mating, the females reached over to lick the base of the male’s penis in 14 of the 20 pairs that copulated. The tip of the penis had already penetrated the female’s vagina, and the males did not withdraw when the female licked the base of the penis.

Both the duration of an individual copulation, and the overall time a mating pair spent copulating, were increased if the female performed fellatio.

bron: [29-10-2009]

I love u more.

How can I possibly love you more now than I did before?  I don’t know, but? I do.

We finally met in person and I can only speak for myself, of course, and I can say it was magical.  My heart was pounding as I was approaching the place that you’d be waiting for me.  The minute I saw you standing there, I thought my heart might stop.  I had waited so long for this moment and now, I might die.

You had joked for weeks that you wanted three things from me and I delivered.  I walked up to you and showed you the three things and then kissed you.  My heart nearly came out of my chest.  Your lips felt like heaven on mine.  It is a moment I will never forget.  Just breathing you in felt nice.

As we drove to the hotel, I watched you.  I often caught myself staring at you – I just wanted to drink you in.  All of you.  I wanted to burn your physical features into my brain, your mannerisms, your everything.  We only had mere days to experience as much of each other as humanly possible, and I wanted to make the most of every second.  It’s a shame that we had to sleep sometimes.  Although, sleeping next to you was nice, too.

Our first night together was so wonderful.  It felt so right.  You making love to me was everything I thought it would be and more.  Just laying next to you was another slice of heaven.

We laughed, had moments of sadness, fucked, slept, held hands, hugged, kissed, oh how we kissed… a lot, we hung out with mutual friends, laughed some more, stole quick moments together even while surrounded by others, shared looks from across the room, ate, touched, flirted… packed a lot into a few short days.  They are days I will never forget for as long as I’m alive.  I play back, in my mind, my favorite moments with you.  I miss you so much.  You have no idea.  I’m not sure if you miss me but I? can. not. get you out of my mind.  I thought it was bad before.  Well?  It’s worse now.  Much worse.  You invade every waking moment.  Reality was a huge slap in the face after living in a dream world for a week.

I wish I could snap my fingers and have you sitting next to me right now.  Your lips on mine.  Your hands tracing circles on my back.  Your body pressed against mine.

I said I was scared to have you hold me but more terrified that I’d never experience that.  Now that I have had your arms around me, I’m frightened to think of that never happening again.  My heart hurts when I think of never seeing you again.   I cry.  Cry because I love you and yet, I’m here and you’re there.

The past week has been like a dream, a dream I did not want to wake from.  But now that I am awake, I have realized one thing… I love u more than I did before.  Yes, it’s true.

Having to walk away from you at the airport nearly killed me.  Trying to keep it together was torture.  I wanted to melt into a puddle before you and have you scoop me up and take me away.

I will die if I never see you again. Never touch you again.  Never feel your lips on mine.  Never hear you say you love me.  Never have you look into my eyes and touch my face as you whisper sweet things to me.  Never watch your face as you fuck me and tell me how beautiful I am.  It hurts to be so far away from you.  It hurts so damn much.

I miss u.

I want u.

I need u.

I love u.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Reglas de oro para tener un sex friend

Por Héctor Ledezma

Los sex friends, se pueden definir como amigos sexuales, que de una u otra forma siempre están dispuestos a una relación sexual. El sexólogo Miguel Alejandro Espinosa, comenta que tenerlo resulta una decisión personal, lo ideal sería que en este tipo de relación se establezcan acuerdos muy claros sobre qué se quiere, qué no, y hasta dónde.

Comúnmente se habla de “reglas” como: “No se vale enamorarse” o “Sólo será sexo, nada más”, aunque no es tan simple. Sería ilógico asegurar que esto puede hacerse, ya que el ser humano involucra sus emociones en cada situación de vida que experimenta, es imposible despojarse de ellas. Así pues, el riesgo de enamorarse en cualquier encuentro interpersonal (sexual o no) está latente.

“Enamorarse requiere más que sólo un encuentro o contacto, debe existir atracción física, intelectual y afectiva, por ello, es importante ir actualizando los acuerdos y ser sinceros. Comunicar lo que se va sintiendo respecto a la otra persona, esto puede al menos dar claridad al tipo de relación que se tiene y la forma en que va modificando”, dice el especialista.

En un periodo donde no hay una pareja sentimental, el sexo es parte de las necesidades a cubrir, ya que de acuerdo con el sexólogo, la energía sexual está presente desde que se nace y hasta que se muere, esto no implica que la sexualidad deba ser ejercida en pareja, y mucho menos que el no tener una práctica sexual sea sinónimo de estar incompleto.

¿Pareja sexual por catálogo?

El sitio resalta que los “amigos con roce” no se seleccionan por catálogo, y debe tenerse en cuenta que son seres humanos y los criterios a tomar en cuenta son los siguientes:

*Un hombre/mujer con quien se hayan tenido previamente relaciones sexuales muy satisfactorias.
*Con confianza suficiente para estar a gusto, sin preocuparse por detalles como intentar posiciones nuevas y dejar que se vean con defectos.
*Su cuerpo los inspira y hace que se despierte la líbido.
*Son amigos y se respetan, no hay juicios morales.
*Hay disposición sin hacer demasiadas preguntas, el momento del sexo es lo que importa.
*Los dos son solteros, no se toman hombres y mujeres de otras personas, eso ya no es un sex friend.

Reglas básicas

Éstas tienen el objetivo de que sea armonioso, y sobre todo que quede claro que es sólo sexo, nunca con el fin de promoverlo, sino de que sea más sencillo el trato, ya que todo tiene consecuencias.

*No se vale enamorarse, no es sencillo, pero hay que hacer lo posible, ya que de las relaciones sexuales pueden nacer sentimientos, sobre todo si hay un buen entendimiento, así que antes hay que estar consciente.

*Después del sexo, no hay que esperar detalles, ni ellas un ramo de flores, ni ellos un te quiero o un beso.

*La claridad y honestidad es muy importante, que la otra persona y tú sepan que lo que se busca es pasarla bien, sin involucrar nada más, y que así como empieza también puede terminar.

*Si te das cuenta que tu sex friend desarrolla sentimientos, puedes poner fin o redefinir la situación, para que no haya confusiones, a menos que te pase lo mismo y pasen a algo más.

*No elijas un sex friend que te guste, o por el que sientas atracción, ya que te puede ir peor.

*Evita todo tipo de cosas que sean de “pareja”, ir al cine, a cenar, a comer, con los amigos, ya que esto a su vez, evita malos entendidos.

*Si alguno de los dos encuentra pareja estable, habrá que decir adiós al sex friend, esto se hace de una manera sincera y correcta, fue tu compañero (a) sexual y es importante que sean honestos. Evitar contactos posteriores, pues alguno ya tiene pareja.

El factor edad no es del todo determinante en las relaciones con amigos, “depende de la persona misma, ya que hay diversas circunstancias, personalidades, acuerdos, deseos, tiempos, que afectarán la forma en que la relación se desarrolle. En la juventud suelen darse relaciones de contacto coital con mayor frecuencia, en cambio la sexualidad en una edad avanzada se expresa con un menor contacto coital y suele ir más despacio y disfrutando sutilezas en las que la juventud no se detiene” afirma Manuel Alejandro.

¿Mi ex puede ser sex friend?

El caso del ex, merece mención aparte, porque este sólo se recomienda cuando la ruptura haya sido por común acuerdo, algo así, como una ruptura ideal, donde no hay heridos, en este caso la amistad es posible, y por lo tanto una vida sexual amistosa también es probable, esta debe evitarse en casos donde uno de los dos esté lastimado o no lo haya superado.

Sin embargo, también se deben en tomar en cuenta los siguientes aspectos:

*El riesgo de volver a encariñarse o recordar viejos tiempos está latente, y uno de los dos puede salir herido.

*Hay que dejar las cartas sobre la mesa para evitar posibles roces o malos entendidos.

*Estar solteros, pues sino se entra a terrenos de infidelidad, y pasar de pareja a amante, no es lo ideal.

*Saber que es por sexo, y no para recordar viejas sensaciones, y mucho menos para no estar sola (o).

*Los sex friends son contactos sexuales que se disfrutan, y no tienen porqué generar conflictos posteriores.

Word. Thanks for the nut

So I went out with this guy a couple of times within the last week. I dont have a name for him, nor do I want to create one, since I’d rather push it out of my mind. Maybe I am a bitch. Maybe I just dont have that emotional connection with guys lately, but whatever the reason, I am getting fucktards. So here is how it went down.

Met on okc, attractive, tall, built-I mean can you say 8-pack?-This guy could seriously bench me, which is what I really only wanted. I told him I was seeing someone else on second date and not interested in anything serious, but not opposed to it if it happens. We had good chats, but nothing too intense or over done, at least in my book. I think he is street smart, but not intellectually smart. Anyway, incessant texts, emails, he shows up late one night for a little smooching, then goes home just as quickly. Ok. I see the game. But I didnt really.

Went over his place last night after work and we started drinking, as we do. We get on the convo about attractiveness and he hands me a pic of his entire family and asks me about his cousin. I say, eh, I dont find him hot, he isnt my type. Guy gets weird and says I insulted his family. Huh? Ok, next convo, things settle, he apologizes once he sees his error, thing start getting heavy. Sex happens, its ok, more like a jack hammer, nothing quiet great, he goes limp. Not once, but twice. Maybe its time to sleep it off? hmmm….

Next morning, same thing. No go, I spent a good time down there trying to work it out, but he wasnt getting it up. WTF! Argh…I just wanna get it going. Then I notice some huge ass zits on his back, think that this meathead is taking steroids, maybe thats why he cant get it up and has small balls. I try to talk about it with him, he says nerves. Ok, fine. I already committed to spending the day with him and while we are chatting and drinking coffee, I’m like, this guy is such a bro. I cant do this, I cant date someone who is thick-headed, even if he is hot. Then he calls me on it when I was leaving, saying to not let it bug me about the sex, and that it was the first time. I don’t know what to say, but I am anything but obvious generally.

I return home, disappointed,  call T4.0. Ahhh… thats nice. And before I go to work, I get this email:

Meathead: Listen.  I need to write you this email.  I need to do this for myself, and I can’t figure out how to do this any other way.  This past week was most definitely the worst case of emotional instability that my brain has gone through since I can remember.  I’ve never been so excited and so depressed about the same thing in such a short amount of time.  This is not me.  This is not how I behave or feel on a day-to-day basis.  I don’t get excited or depressed about women like this.  It’s really pissing me off, and I’m trying to figure out how to stop it.

Well, after smoking two absolutely delicious cigarettes, I concluded that I need to just confess everything to get this all out of my head. Here it is:  I really did want something serious out of this.  I was telling you that we should just take it wherever it goes, but I think subconsciously, I really wanted something along the lines of a relationship.  I met someone who is infinitely open-minded, incredibly intelligent, and intensely sexy and cute at the same time, and I thought — holy shit, this is the perfect woman!  Then we had this connection on the next few dates, and everything went out of control after that.  I had this burning desire to be with you all of the time. And I wanted you to want me more than anything.

So because of this, I put all this pressure on myself to do whatever it takes to get you to like me more.  And that’s where things just went to shit.  It’s like, the harder I try to impress someone, the worse of a person I become.  The past 24 hours was an obvious example of this.  Everything just went wrong from the get go.  I watch you get a little bit tipsy … I start drinking heavier to get on your page … conversation goes to shit … I completely misunderstand you and throw a fucking tantrum … you almost leave.  Then when got to the point of ripping each others clothes off, now all I’m doing is trying to impress you in the bedroom.  Combine those nerves and the alcohol, and we have this pretty bad experience.  I think the blunder the next morning pretty much sealed the deal – after that, any connection we had over the past few days just completely vanished.  Our last talk
over coffee was certainly not as emotionally stimulating as the talk we had at Dunlays.  And now, I’m pretty convinced that I won’t hear from you again.

So what I’m saying is this: I can’t be myself around you when there is pressure of dating and the expectations that go with it.  I want to be able to be myself around you — and I really, really want to get to know you more, and spend more time together.  So I think the only way this could possibly happen is if we call it friends.  However, since we both made it clear that we are both very physically attracted to each other, I would absolutely never be opposed to kissing you or getting naked again.  You’re so GD cute sometimes, I find it impossible to not kiss you, so that would probably still happen.  I just want to say out loud, that we should just forget about the idea of you and I ever getting in a serious relationship for now, because I
obviously can’t deal with the pressure of you evaluating me as a potential boyfriend.  In other words, let’s remove the “boyfriend
material” label.

Now if you are telling me that this is your definition of dating, then fine, that’s how you can look at it.  If you don’t like the idea of
“friends with benefits”, then we don’t need to do the benefits. Whatever it is, I don’t want to put a label on this — I just really
want to get to know you as a friend.

I really want to know what you think about this, so please send me some sort of reply.  If you just read it, and let me know “I read your email, and I’m thinking it over — then that would be good enough for now.  I hope work goes well, and I hope to talk to you again soon…

My response:

My sentiments exactly. Sounds like a good plan to me, and that’s all I ever really wanted anyway. You know I am sleeping and seeing some one else anyway, and that person has primacy in my life and will until that relationship ends, which I don’t forsee happening anytime soon.

So friends it is, but I don’t know about the benefit part. We’ll see what happens.


SOOOO, maybe I was a little harsh here, but it was like he gave me a backhand compliment. Yes, you are hot, but it’s not working out for me bc YOU have all these expectations for me (when I never really did). In the end, he saved me the head ache of sending him an email saying it isnt working for me. Weird.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's Time for TMI Tuesdays!

1) What are three mistakes someone could make on the first date with you that would automatically make you turn down a second date with them?

You know, I think I’m pretty forgiving on first dates. I understand the jitters and nervousness, etc. But if someone was dishonest, rude, or I just knew that there was no way in hell I was ever gonna feel a “spark” I wouldn’t waste my time on a second date.
2) Pick an animal that best displays your personality.

a housecat. A long haired, snooty one. OK maybe that doesn’t suit my personality, but if I had to come back as an animal, that’s what I’d pick.
3) If your significant other stopped having sex with you, how long would you stay?

It depends on the reason. If there were some physical reason or something like that, I wouldn’t have an issue. But a dried up sex life is usually a symptom of bigger problems, in which case I would get to the bottom of it or get out.
4) Are you more passive or aggressive when the relationship becomes physical?

There’s something to be said for both. Depends on my mood I guess.
5) Have you ever been INSIDE a store that sold adult themed toys and videos?

Oh yes. Such stores are a hoot! In college, there was one that had a bargain bin of movies and we would get granny and midget porn for like two dollars and just laugh our asses off at it.

Bonus (as in optional): What percentage of women do you think are capable of handling being in a “friends with benefits” relationship? How about men?

I think just about every man in the world could handle friends with benefits. When it comes to sex, most of us think with the wrong head and there doesn’t have to be any sort of emotional connection necessarily. So I’m going to say 90 percent of men. Women, on the other hand, need more than just a physical attraction (unless, of course, copious amounts of liquor are involved) so I will say 10 percent of them could be OK with such an arrangement.

Prof. Matuk Nath Chaudhary and Julie in JNU campus: A multimedia report

The uninitiated may read about “love guru” Professor Matuk Nath and Julie, arguably India’s most controversial couple, here and here. Yesterday evening [10 pm to midnight], the duo [both one-time JNU students] addressed the JNU students at Sutlej hostel of the JNU campus and concluded it with a Q and A session. This is a brief multimedia report of the public meeting on the issue Love and Society Today.

Prof. Matuk Nath was a JNU student in the 1970s and also narrated some of his humorous experiences of the campus. The duo spoke in Hindi [Julie had a throat issue and spoke little only interjecting at times to buttress some points put forward by the professor]. I’ll make my prejudices clear in the beginning: I do not like them but that is neither here nor there. The programme was anchored by Prakash K Ray and Zahid.

His admission in JNU was a unique incident [1976]

After a brief introduction [including a sharp reproof to those who had whistled] by Prakash K Ray and Zahid, Prof. Matuknath started his speech in chaste Hindi recounting his first interaction with the JNU Campus way back in 1976. Clueless about the admission procedure, he ["भुचंगड़ देहाती"] had come to Sutlej Hostel with “bedding and trunk” and the application form. A Sutlej resident Madhukar Anand, a total stranger to him, was very hospitable to him and he was overwhelmed by that ‘first love.’

He had gone to the JNU officials and was told that the last date for applying to JNU was over and that that day was the day of the entrance examination! Matuk Nath produced a letter of recommendation from some VIP and the dean yielded (“special case”) and he was allowed to write the JNU entrance examination! He was selected and later allotted Room No. 107 of the Sutlej Hostel! This was indeed a surprising account on JNU and the audience suitably clapped as they lapped it up.

He called himself a ‘manu’ [progenitor; 'Sutlej hostel was deserted but after he came here it was teeming with people and flourished']. Prof. Matuk Nath was visibly overwhelmed and said it was a great moment of his life (“dream come true”) that he was here in his alma mater speaking to the JNU community.

Prof. Matuk Nath on Love and Society


Speaking on Love and Society Today, Prof. Matuk Nath said the society wants us to love everything except loving a woman (“Stri se prem mat karo”) and that we were living like donkeys and bulls! It is the responsibility of the youth to raise questions on this and argue for the ‘freedom of thoughts.’ While elaborately justifying his love for Julie, he touched upon various issues relating to love including physical love, male-female natural attraction, self-control in love among other things. He also drew an analogy between sex and snakes (’snakes are beautiful creatures but we have been tutored to hate and fear them’).

He invited questions form the audience and answered all of them without being shy of any question or feeling any embarrassment. One of his students was also present who claimed to have campaigned for him during the elections. Mr. Zahid regretted that he did not had the opportunity to be taught by Prof. Matuk Nath unlike that student who was given a warm welcome. When asked what he would have done if he were in the Parliament, he said this meeting itself was like the parliament to him and regretted that good people like those in the audience were not reaching the parliament.

I asked him if there was any ‘guarantee’ that he will not fall in love again and quit Julie as well to which he said that he was least concerned about that and it is Julie who has chosen her and not the vice versa:

The beauty of love is in the fact that there is no guarantee in it! छूट जाए तो छूट जाए!

मेरा वश नहीं है. अगर मेरे कारण होता तो में किसको छोड़ता!

Julie interjected to add that the whole world was suddenly eager about her condition. Prof. Matuk Nath explained that that any male would fall for Julie and it was this suppressed sexual desire ["अतृप्त काम भावना"] that was to be blamed for the male concern towards Julie’s future and life ["कौन युवक इससे प्रेम नहीं करेगा"] and the public outcry against their relationship.

Prof. Matuk Nath was said he was very happy with life having discovered the true essence of life. A major theme of his speech was that there was no freedom and respite from sexual desire ["वासना से मुक्ति का कोई प्रश्न नहीं है!"] and that physical love and mental love cannot be seen as divorced from each other.

Both Prof. Matuk Nath and Julie were quite phlegmatic during the complete meeting unlike some members of the audience. The people may have clapped more than once but the general mood was not necessarily of an approval to their union and people had gathered to see him more than anything else. Most of the questions from the students in fact questioned him on their relationship. Matuk Nath also said he can only speak on ‘Matuknathi love’ and not Freudian love [question by Samar]. A student in the crowd said this after the event: “It feels like I heard the Shahrukh Khan in Mohabattein!”

Download/listen to full audio

I suggest you download the full audio or listen it [Hindi] online if you are interested in his full speech. It may be a good document for anybody interested in doing research on love, sex, conjugal and other social issues.

Want More Photos

Click here for more photos of the event.

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

30 Day Sex Challenge: Day 21 (Married Guide)

Everyday, I’ll be posting the 30 day sex challenge guides, both married and singles. Here is day 21:

What is your first memory of sex?

How did your parents handle the topic?

How does that awareness affect your marriage?

Read Song of Songs 1:2 – 7.

Journal your answers to these questions, any thoughts from the passage and what you are praying for.

Vera Vision—The Heiress, Pt 2

“Well, are you going to fuck me or do you want to get fired?” Mariana asked.

Gerard smiled at the young beauty before him. He would be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about bending Mariana over and fucking the taste of her mouth. Now he had the perfect opportunity to do it. All the bullshit he had to put up with for his job was worth dipping his cock inside the little princess if only just one time. Every man at one point had a fantasy of fucking the boss’s daughter. Now Gerard was actually going to do it.

He took off his shirt, revealing a muscular chest—something Mariana was pleasantly surprised by. She always thought Gerard was a cute guy but she also knew there was no way he would make a move on her. Getting fired by her overprotective father would be the very least of his problems. But it didn’t stop her from fantasizing. She always visualized he would just take her in the kitchen, the garage, or anywhere for that matter. She wasn’t picky about the where portion. It was the when factor that always got her. Her chance to get ravaged by the butler was finally going to happen. She breathed a sigh as he joined her on the bed. Gerard had a sexy aura about him and he had no qualms satisfying the heiress’ request.

He just simply smiled. “As you wish, Mariana.”

Mariana quickly handed him the dildo and Gerard had a puzzled look on his face as he studied the toy. It was a glass dildo with peculiar bumps on it. He assumed the bumps were for extra pleasure and Gerard found himself smirking at the thought. What woman wanted something bumpy inside her twat? He wondered. Apparently, the answer was laying butt-ass naked right next to him. Gerard would later humor his silly thoughts as he switched positions and got ready for Mariana, who was already stripped down to her bra and thong panties. The look on her face wrecked of horny desire and sheer frustration. Gerard already knew Mariana was far from being virginal; her vixen reputation succeeded her long before he met the princess. His mind quickly raced from possibly being caught from her father to being fired by Mariana simply because he didn’t make her cum.

Pressure, indeed.

Studying Mariana’s pussy for a brief moment, Gerard decided the best way to proceed was to make her wet. He pulled aside her panties and began to lick her gently. Mariana kept herself clean, completely waxed except a little strip starting from the top of her crotch and leading down to her hot core. Her past boyfriends referred it as her landing strip. Mariana, on the other hand, referred as the personal GPS system. Maybe it was both: Gerard had no problem finding her swollen nub of pleasure and focused on it almost immediately. He alternated from sucking to licking and Mariana thought she was going to go through the roof based on his tongue skills.

But Gerard was just getting started. Just when Mariana was about to cum, he stopped and inserted her dildo. Just like he was with the oral pleasure, Gerard was gentle and studied Mariana’s body. When he knew she needed more, he sped up the dildo movement little by little as he watched the toy become wetter with her juices. He then decided to lick her sweet pussy again as he fucked her with the toy. A part of it was ego and wanting to get her off. The real reason was to make sure he was not to going to get fired.

The pressure between being fucked and licked was too much for Mariana to bear and she erupted in a loud cry as her body shuddered from the explosive orgasm. She quickly brushed away Gerard’s face and toy from her pussy and curled up in a fetal position as her body rode the orgasmic waves. Once she calmed down, she opened her eyes and saw Gerard smiling back at her.

“Why are you smiling?” She asked as she reached over to her nightstand and tossed a condom at him. “That was just the appetizer. I want the main course now…”

*Above toy can be found on*

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Elijah is Coming...

“For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and… all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch… And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do [this], saith the Lord of hosts…. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord” -Malachi 4:1-5.

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” -Timothy 3:16–17.

“For fifty years after St. Paul’s life a curtain hangs over the church, through which we strive vainly to look; and when at last rises, about 120 A.D. with the writings of the earliest church-fathers, we find a church in many aspects very different from that in the days of St. Peter and St. Paul” -Jesse Lyman Hurlbut.

My God is bigger than your God!
My church is better than your church!
My songs are louder than your songs!

Let us go to War!

Ragam Macam Ciuman

Banyak orang yang hanya mengenal dua jenis ciuman: ciuman leher dan ciuman orang Prancis (French kiss). Namun, dunia perciuman berkembang pesat. Kini ciuman memiliki banyak ragam. Berikut rinciannya:

Ciuman kupu-kupu
Dekatkan wajah Anda ke wajah pasangan sedekat mungkin dan kemudian kerjap-kerjapkanlah bulu mata Anda dengan cepat dan tiba-tiba.

Ciuman leher
Seperti yang sudah kita kenal, ciuman ini biasanya menandai kencan pertama sebuah pasangan. Anda dengan lembut menyapu leher pasangan dengan bibir.

Ciuman daun telinga
Sudah jelas yang menjadi sasaran adalah daun telinga pasangan. Sedot dan gigit dengan lembut. Berhubung begitu dekat dengan lubang telinga, usahakan tidak membuat bebunyian yang gaduh.

Ciuman eskimo
Secara lembut gesekkan hidung Anda dengan hidung pasangan. Selembut mungkin dan rasakan setiap sentuhan yang terjadi.

Ciuman mata
Sesuai namanya, cium dengan lembut mata pasangan yang terpejam.

Ciuman jari
Sambil bersantai dengan pasangan Anda, ambil jari pasangan dan perlahan-lahan diemut.

Ciuman kaki
Ciuman nan erotis ini dimulai dengan mencium jari kaki, lalu merambat ke atas dengan ciuman nan lembut.

Ciuman dahi
Inilah ciuman ramah. Anda hanya cukup mencium kening pasangan dari ujung satu ke ujung lainnya.

Ciuman membeku
Juga dikenal dengan ciuman mencair. Ini sama dengan ciuman es, hanya memakai es balok kotak kecil. Kulum es balok tadi dan menggunakan lidah pindahkan ke mulut pasangan. Efek dingin dan mencairnya es akan memberikan perasaan sensual.

Ciuman orang Prancis
Inilah ciuman paling sensual di antara ragam ciuman. Ada yang menyebutnya ciuman jiwa, melibatkan lidah dan bibir.

Ciuman buah
Ambil sepotong buah (yang agak keras) dan gigit ujungnya. Ujung yang lain diberikan ke pasangan sambil melakukan ciuman.

Ciuman tangan
Angkat tangan pasangan dan ciumi mulai ujung jari sampai tangan bagian atas.

Ciuman panas dan dingin
Pertama jilat bibir pasangan untuk membuatnya hangat, lalu tiup bibir itu untuk membuatnya dingin. Perhatikan napas Anda. Sebelum berciuman, hindari makan makanan yang merangsang, seperti bawang.

Ciuman bangun tidur
Ini lebih ke waktu daripada teknik. Saat pasangan bangun tidur, cium dia mulai dari leher dan berakhir di bibir. Lalu dengan suara mesra, bilang: “Selamat pagi sayang…”

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Education in Public Schools

America has a serious problem, or should I say another, not to belittle the other serious problems that plague us.  However, this problem will haunt us now and forever, and it must be fixed.

A surge wont help, pulling out is truly not an option, and bombing probably crosses the line for morality.  The problem is our schools.

By high school, a student either cares a lot about his or her grades and is crazy over them, doesn’t really care what they do as long as they pass, or simply don’t care at all.

For the students who do care, the system doesnt do enough.  Some students would give up their right arm to join a program that will start them on the path they want now.

But this isnt about them, they will do well whether they wait a few years or start now.  This is slightly about the middle group, but mostly about the last group.  Those kids who dont care at all.

Why dont these kids care?  They dont think they will get into college, or they think they’d fail if they did.  They think that school is therefore pointless, and guess what?  They are right.  High School has no use for them, and they have no use for it.  All they contribute to is the crime that plagues a school, but that is a different story.

How can we help these kids?  We cant, we have already messed up.  By high school, despite popular opinion, teens are not impressionable.  They have got their impressions sorted out, and they are stubborn about it.

Therefore, the focus must be on our elementary and middle schools, and on the family.  even middle school is too late, elementary school is when it must be drilled into a kid’s head that school is fun, good, and awesome.  This cant be allowed to drop in middle school, and should continue all the way to high school, instead of building a net to catch those who fall through the cracks, lets seal the cracks.

I, being a high school student myself, see this first hand.  There are three groups: 1)  I must, will, and shall excel.  2) I’ll pass, i need school, somewhat. and 3) f**** school.  I have never, in three years in high school, seen a single person shift from group to another.

However, I do not remember these groups in elementary school.  That is the point, there weren’t.

Let us face the band and listen to the music, we cannot fix our high schools, but we can fix our newest generation.

I am not saying we should abandon our high schools, there are kids, myself included, who care.  However, most, if not all of our problems stem from that third group.  Drugs, alcohol, Sex, Gangs, this is group is the dealers, the buyers, the bangers (more ways then one), and they like it.

Slowly, if we fix the first years of school, we will see a turn around in society.  By instilling the love of learning in an early age, we can be sure they will stay out of the third group and graduate with at least decent grades.  When they start families, their life will be better than what preceded them.  In other words, we fix families by fixing our schools, instead of fixing our families to fix our schools.

It wont be an immediate change, probably not for many decades, but if we fail at this, America will cease to be worth living in.

The SEXY List...

The SEXY List…

1. Love, Love, Love…
2. Brittany Mason
3. Brittany Mason
4. Mylene Farmer “Pardonne-Moi”
5. Calvin Harris “I’m Not Alone”
6. Thigh High Boots
7. The New Coco Chanel Phone
8. Ray Ban Eyeglasses
9. Jacksy Underwear…available soon!
10. Lady Gaga as a Sex Symbol
11. The Olsen Twins
12. Christiano Ronaldo…Soccer Player turned New Face of Armani Underwear
13. Christiano Ronaldo
14. Naturally Curly Hair
15. Diamond Skull Jewelry for Men
16. Jessica Stam…Supermodel
17. Jessica Stam…Supermodel
18. Sugar Free RedBull
19. Fruit Sushi
20. Cirque Du Freak
21. Saw VI
22. V Magazine
23. “Cruddy” by Lynda Barry
24. “Rule of the Bone” by Russell Banks
25. Long, men’s wool scarves
26. Long, men’s wool scarves
27. Gay romance
28. Gay marriage…NOW!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

eine für 73 tage - poet in residence @100tagebücher

#4 Stepptanz – horizontal.

denn, was langsam beginnt, zaghaft, artet aus, erwächst sich.

… Harry steht vor dem Schaufenster. Fuck that! Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich ihm mal leibhaftig begegnen würde, aber wenn einer Harry nahe kommt, meinem Harry – dessen Gott, Schöpfer, Vater und Mutter, dessen Satan & Zerstörer ich bin; der ihm Blut in die Wangen treibt und der die Taktzahl seines Pulses bestimmt / an guten Tagen 140 bpm , morgens eher um die 65 /, dann ist der das, der da vor dem Schaufenster steht.

… ich will ja hinausgehen, auf die nur andere Seite des Fensters treten, ihm eine verpassen und um dann zu sagen: Leck mich doch, ich wusste, dass Du eines Tages zu mir kommen wirst. Als wärs nur ein Deja-Vu gewesen, und wo ich Harry doch wenig Gutes getan habe. Einmal ließ ich ihn zu Tode stürzen, einmal mit gebrochenem Herzen an einem tristen Vorstadtfriedhof versauern, dann wieder schlug sich der Großmut in mir durch und ich spendierte ihm einen neuen Wagen. Weils manchmal etwas mehr sein darf, einen Ferarri. Mal verzehrte er sich vor Schuldgefühlen, mal wich er ihnen galant mit einer Vierteldrehung aus, dann wiederum schien er völlig immun. Mal ließ ich ihm die Frau ein andermal nahm ich sie ihm weg und vergnügte mich die ganze Nacht mir ihr. Sein vollkommendes Mindmapping aus Mosaikstücken, zusammengesetzt von – ! Und jetzt, Harry, … wenn ich Dich anspreche, weil ich wissen will, was Deine Augen sehen, wenn ich in Dich hinsehen will, weil ich wissen will, was Du denkst.

… ein heiliger Moment. Nicht ganz der brennende Busch, aber … Man muss schließlich auch dem Alltag die Gelegenheit lassen, Pathos zu entwickeln. Er sieht normal aus. So unscheinbar normal, dass ich mich wirklich frage, ob er es ist. Aber da steht sein Name, mit großen schwarzen Buchstaben ihm quer über die Stirn geschrieben, quasi eingeritzt. H A R R Y. Ich weiß alles über Dich! (Auch, wie dein Schweiß riecht, oder dass Du, so Du Dich unbeobachtet fühlst … ) Mein erster Satz. Und was wirst Du mir antworten? “Ich weiß, ich kann Dich in der Wortzahl nicht mehr einholen” Oh Harry …

Denn ein Hauptspeicher kann nur dann effektiv arbeiten, wenn das Steuerwerk die Adressen von Befehlen und Daten schnell und sicher auffinden kann.
… 0 … 1 …. 0 …. 1 …. 0 ….
Und so besteht ein Wort aus vier Speicherzellen, ein Doppelwort aus 8 Speicherzellen und ein Halbwort folglich aus 2 Speicherzellen. (grundriß der elektronischen datenverarbeitung, 1. auflage München, 1975)

… denkt er daran, wie sie morgens mit der öffentlichen zum Flughafen fuhr und sich auf den vier Stunden langen Weg machte, um mit ihm zu streiten, dann, schon kurz vor dem endgültigen Aus, “aber schlafen wir nochmal miteinander. Das letzte Mal”, zu sagen, dann wieder, kurzes, aber befriedigendes Intermezzo, die vier Stunden zurück, während er schon am nächsten Tag nicht mehr daran dachte, dass sie wirklich da gewesen war. Bis ihre Besuche irgendwann ausblieben, hatte der Vater, der Richter in Amt und Ehren ihr die Kreditkarte eingezogen, um Missbrauch einen Riegel vorzuschieben. So war es doch Harry, oder?

… ein Taxi, bremst. Jemand hat dem Wagen den Spiegel abgefahren, bleibt ebenfalls stehen, steigt aus. Das Opfer, ein gemütlicher Mann, schütteres Haar, faßähnlicher Bierbauch. Der Täter, ein hochgeschossener Blondschopf, dem die Hose um ausgemergelte Beine schlabbert. Harry wendet sich vom Fenster weg, betrachtet den Vorfall. Runzelt die Stirn. Interesse? Nummern werden ausgetauscht, ein paar schnelle Bilder für die Versicherung gemacht, damit alles seinen rechten Weg geht und keiner davon abkommt. Ob er was gesehen hätte, aber Harry schüttelt den Kopf, dann nähert er sich dem Taxi. Ich habs gesehen, hier, ich. Nur, ich kann nicht weg, ich bin hier, hinter dem Fenster und du bist dort. Steig nicht ein, bitte Harry – steig nicht in dieses Taxi. Es gibt für uns kein “ich bin kurz um die Ecke”, denn gehst Du, kommst Du vielleicht nie wieder.

… und hochgerissen aus meinen Tagträumen steht eine junge Mutter vor mir, eine von der Sorte, wie man sie in 73 Tagen wohl kein zweites Mal mehr sieht. Mit zwei Kleinkindern, eines auf jedem Arm. / Anm: Streiche die Kinder. Eine junge Mutter, deren zwei Sprößlinge im Kinderwagen auf dem Gehweg …/ Und einem Hintern, der nur dazu einlädt, darauf einen wilden Stepptanz hinzulegen. Horizontal natürlich.

… Abblende in die vorgeborene Dämmerung (des Nachmittags). Eine amorphe, in der Form unentschlossene Seifenblase auf ihrem kurzen Weg von links nach rechts vor dem Schaufenster, bis sie zerplatzt – einfach so. Man muss dem Alltag die Gelegenheit lassen, Pathos zu entwickeln.

American 27-year-old Gainesville store worker charged with video voyeurism

In America: A Gainesville store manager was arrested on suspicion of secretly videotaping dozens of women inside a bathroom.

Johnathan Matheny, 27, was arrested on a charge of video voyeurism. According to the Gainesville Sun, Matheny, the manager of a CVS, admitted to hiding his cell phone in the bathroom to obtain video of women undressing. He reportedly told police that he’s filmed 50 women in the past six months.

A customer found the cell phone hidden under a pile of tissues on Friday afternoon. A company spokesperson said Matheny has been fired, and CVS is cooperating with the investigation.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Genesis of a Crumb

Way back in March this year I read an article in the Guardian about the (in)famous American cartoonist Robert Crumb and his recently completed four-year project to illustrate the whole of the Book of Genesis. Described as an ‘acclaimed satirist’ and ‘hero of underground comics’, he worked directly from the King James Bible and Robert Alter’s translation to illustrate the first book of the Bible.

I thought at the time that this would be yet another attempt to upset religious people and pour sneering scorn on their holy books. After all, his publisher Jonathan Cape was heralding the book as a “scandalous satire” which “presents a complex, even subversive, narrative that calls for a significant re-examination of both the Bible’s content and its role in our culture”. The publisher also called it a ‘reinterpretation’ of the Book of Genesis.

Now, I wasn’t going to write or say anything about this book until after the Times had published an article about it. The writer had a copy of the book sent to me so that I could comment on it for the said article. I had a very interesting and intelligent conversation with the journalist over the phone after I had read the book quickly. But I didn’t want to preempt the article by blogging it.

Then today I saw myself quoted by Ben Leach on the Telegraph website saying:

I didn’t think it was satire. He set out to say; ‘this is important, fundamental myth’ and it seems to me he’s done a good job.

Well, I did say that … to the Times journalist. But I have not had any contact from or conversation with Ben Leach from the Telegraph. So, where did this come from? I am interested to know. Why? Because the article is headed as follows:

A sexually explicit illustrated Book of Genesis by controversial artist Robert Crumb, which features Bible characters having intercourse, has been condemned by religious groups.

Actually, it hasn’t. Or, at least, it wouldn’t have been condemned if the said journalist hadn’t rung up Mike Judge of the Christian Institute who (from his response) clearly has not seen or read the book. When I got my copy it said on the cover, ‘Adult supervision recommended for minors.’ And ‘The first book of the Bible graphically depicted! Nothing left out!’ When I read it I thought it was excellent and realised that this is simply a case of an inept publisher trying to sell more copies by sensationalising what isn’t sensational.

In other words, what it says on the tin is not what you find within.

I would simply make the following observations:

1. Genesis is a bit racy at times and tells stories of sex, lying, violence, hypocrisy and all the other things that are to be found wherever you find real people. The book is about real people and real things. If you can’t cope with that, don’t read Genesis in the first place.

2. Surprisingly (to me, at least), there is no pornographic representation of sex acts that are graphically described in words in the original. If children need to be protected from drawings of breasts and a man ‘lying with’ a woman, then pity help the children.

3. The text of Genesis has been stuck to faithfully and taken seriously. Isn’t that brilliant?

4. The drawings bring the stories alive and impress upon the reader the ‘flesh and blood’ reality of the people and events described – thus rescuing them from the sort of ‘Holy Scripture’ we gloss over and making the stories powerfully and engagingly real.

5. Crumb faces the problem of how to depict God directly. In an interview he said: ”My problem was, how am I going to draw God? Should I just draw him as a light in the sky that has dialogue balloons coming out from it? Then I had this dream. God came to me in this dream, only for a split second, but I saw very clearly what he looked like. And I thought, OK, there it is, I’ve got God. He has a white beard but he actually ended up looking more like my father. He has a very masculine face like my father.” He had considered, he said, drawing God as a black woman. “But if you actually read the Old Testament he’s just an old, cranky Jewish patriarch.”

Well, I disagree with the last bit, but I take his point.

So, who are the people likely to take offence at this book? I guess it will be the people who (a) haven’t read it or (b) take offence at anything that involves bodies, sex, God or cultural intelligence.

Ignore the sensationalist nonsense. If the publisher thought this was ’scandalous satire’ and ’subversive’, he should be sacked for having failed. It is an excellent book and well worth a read.

you're judging me.

let me tell you about my day. yes–i know it is 3am. i am going to explain.

let me tell you about this past day. it was the most unproductive i have ever been in my entire life. i woke up at 10am. then again at 12pm. then finally at 3.

i blogged, as usual.

made a pan of PERSONAL PANCAKES…just enough for me.

blogged some more,

and went right back to sleep.

i woke up again at 7pm and i called him.

he&i have been arguing for the past forever. these past few days have been kind of hard. personally, i think it’s the rain. but anywayyys, we argued. i cried. he got upset. we decided to leave [again].

this is how i have felt. imagine me standing in the middle of the the rain...yeaaa. that's about right.

i got a little TOO upset and hung up.

just to call him right back.

we apologized. got stuck on the topic of what to do next…as usual. said some hurtful things to each other. discovered some honest truths. i got my face played and he got a hint of reality.

he didn’t like that.

he hung up.

i ordered his favorite–hotwings&cinnastix–and ate them all by myself as some sick and twisted way of getting back at him. lmao.

and i attempted to cry myself to sleep, only to not be able to sleep at all. so i called the one person i knew who could make it better.


i told him i couldn’t sleep. i asked him did he still love me. i told him i didn’t want to sleep unless he stayed on the phone. and he did.

i dozed in and out of sleep…and he was still there.

and i rest reassured that whenever i need him the most, i reach out for his hand—and he’s there.

when he thought i was fast asleep, he hung up.

and i lay in my bed staring at the ceiling in deep thought.

then the funniest phonecall i have ever received came. the most eventful thing that happened to me all day.

the[drunken]QUE called. lmfao.

in some sort of JIBBERISH language;; he spoke in BARKS&partialENGLISH.

“goooooooooooooooose! arffff arfff. where youuu at??? you bet’ not be drankin’! you too cute to be drankin’! i was talkin to mah niggga ’bout youuu and i was sayin’ ‘i really wanna talk to her but she be drankin’ like a mannn!’”…

at this point—i am DYING laughing.

i told him i wasn’t drinking. i was chilling at the crib. trying to listen to the background, i was worried that this drunk negro was walking down some street by himself.

which he was. SMH.

“gooooooooooooosie, i had the NASTIEST dream last night. and it was sooo homo because youuu were in it.”

pause. lmao.

he thinks i am his homeboy. lol. his “nigga”. so anything “sexual” that he may think or envision, is homo to him. haha. i know…weird.

he proceeds to tell me IN EXTREME DETAIL about a dream that began with him hitting me like the true dawg he is and ended in me screaming “get out of my stomach”…..

-_- blank stare. cricket. cricket. cricket. cracking the hell up.

this negro was SOOO drunk that i couldn’t even curse him out. and if he REALLY knew what that dream did to me, i’m sure he would’ve showed up at my door ten minutes later…

so he continued to rant. he even talked about a few things that i’m sure he wasn’t supposed to tell me for the sake of his fraternity and the sake of his own embarassment.

meet the man who never says the word GIRLFRIEND or WIFE. the man who “never trusts no bitch”. welppp. he said it tonight. so i’m a TAD BIT afraid. lol. he told me that, other than his LBs, i am the only person he looks forward to seeing some days…and amidst all the things that made me cry today, that made me smile.

he calls me gooooosie affectionately. as if to say it different because it means something different to him.

we had a 20min convo just to get him home safely about how he is adamantly trying to find something wrong with me, but cannot. i passed the test of not talking to or fucking anyone from his three organizations on campus, no one is talking about me, and no one is shedding any dirt on my name…and he’s a little worried. he keeps saying, “i’m trying so hard to find something wrong with you so that i can go ahead and stop trusting you,” and that shed some light on how niggas think these days. there ARE still such things as good girls.

nowwww, just because this dog buries her bones a little deeper than the others doesn’t mean that she is good ; ) remember that. haha.

theQUE’s a little drunken bastard, and i kinda like him. i think he likes me more than he wants me to believe, which is surprising.

i wonder if he will remember ANY of this later on…

Saturday, October 17, 2009

While you were sleeping

My lover is sleeping, next to me, breathing, and I allow myself to write as I see his pristine, peaceful face. Such an innocent image, yet it scares the normal being to think what one is capable of.  I sometimes stare at him wondering who the hell he is, what he is doing next to me, and the circumstances that have lead to me allowing him such a prolonged entry in my life. How I have made the gates wide open for him to enter, shutting out many others.

Why I feel this sense of unreality I do not know, why when I stare at him I am still not sure who he is. I have heard of the story of the husband, who after 50 or so years of marriage realized that he never really knew his wife. This is a fear for me, a real one, a real fear.  I sometimes have to force myself to engage, to pour out my soul, because it is so important for me to be authentic. It is important for me to bare my soul, to crack my legs wide open, to let him inside my mind. Why I was cursed with such a brutal honesty, and would such a desire for brutal honesty, I do not know. I have often preferred people to be horribly direct to me. I’d rather have a truthful cactus than a flower dripping with honey, if you know what I mean.

He continues to snore and strangely enough, I like the sound. It reminds me of the purr of a whirring engine. It is a subtle sign of life that I like, a reminder that my lover is not miles and miles away,  that he is right next to me, within reach. I can hug him, or a plant a kiss on his forehead. I can also take for granted the fact that he is right there, and push him away. All are expressions of fondness, if not love.

Thousands of verses of poetry might have been written after lovemaking, and thousands of verses of poetry could have been written if the artist lover had sat up to pour out his or her heart on a piece of paper after the “deed.” Lovemaking used to arouse a lot more feelings from me – not always positive.  Fear, a desire to reject, resentment, anger, even regret. Yet now it is met with a type of relief, a comfort, a familiarity, a closeness, a feeling of something has been checked of the list and accomplished. It has to do with who is sleeping next to me. My lover, whom I have known for a year. The longest time I have been sleeping with just one person.  Sex is part of the whole deal, almost instinctive, always necessary (at least for me). I know that he will be there the next day. I know that he loves me for who I am and not just because I can satisfy him sexually. This is where the comfort is derived from.

The snoring is more faint now, perhaps he heard my fingers over the keyboard. I look at him and he looks like an infant, and I feel like a lover and mother. I have to let him continue sleeping. I will push this emotional masturbation to a close, and perhaps enjoy a more physical type of pleasure.

You have to kiss a lot of frogs....

Someone once was asked me why it took me so long to find a husband. I wasn’t quite sure whether to take that as a compliment or an insult, but I guess people assume that if you have a pretty face you should be married early on, that being single past the age of twenty five is unacceptable and they start to think you’re a lesbian. Well let me tell you something. I happened to be one of those people who were in no rush to be married. I enjoyed being single. I did whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I was free and I wasn’t quite sure if my freedom was something I was ready to give up. It’s not like I didn’t have an opportunity if I wanted to. Before I met my husband I was proposed to five times, thank you very much. Of course I only accepted one, but you can clearly see how that turned out. For me, finding a husband was the easy part. It was finding the “right” husband that was a bit of a challenge. I can probably write a book about my search for Prince Charming and all the frogs I had to kiss in between, but for now, consider this a teaser. So let me reminisce for a bit, starting at the age of 18 just to make things legal. I was with a guy that convinced me to follow him three thousand miles away because he just couldn’t live without me. I find out shortly after moving that he had a one night stand with someone while trying to convince me. I don’t care if we were broken up and you got drunk over it. I felt tricked so I had to cut him loose. After mister trickster, I decided to date someone ten years older hoping he was more mature and distinguished. I was right. He was so romantic, always saying and doing the right things. I even remember him going to a phone booth in the middle of a hurricane just to make sure I was okay. And when his car broke down, he rode his bicycle thirty miles to see me. Of course when I found out that he couldn’t get a car loan because of his bad credit and asked if I can co-sign for him, it was time for me to bail. And then there was the guy I thought was the one. He was perfect except for one flaw; his mother. Good thing I didn’t marry him because let’s face it, three’s a crowd. There was a self made millionaire from NY. I had to break up with him because I couldn’t stand his accent. I remember meeting a fireman who wanted to shuck my corn, and I mean literally. His problem was that I was only able to get a hold of him when he was at work. When I confronted him of my concern and accused him of having a wife, he acted stupid. I hung up on him and never spoke to him again, all the while hoping my house doesn’t catch fire. I finally gave a guy a chance after courting me for six months just to find him bumpin’ and grindin’ at a club with someone else. Hello? Can you be a bit more discreet if you’re gonna try to be a player? But that’s not why I ended it. I felt insulted because she looked like she fell from the ugly tree and got run over by a truck. If you’re gonna date someone else while you’re dating me, try to find someone similar, if not better than me. I dated a personal trainer that took his training a little too personal, if you know what I mean. A doctor that I shared many interests with, including men. Another fireman who slept with a grandmother. I don’t care if she was only in her forties. A grandma is a grandma. Period. There was an Air Force captain that was hung like a horse. I had to kick him out of my house because I was sure I would die if anything progressed between us. All I can see was my obituary saying “Cate. Loving daughter. Wonderful friend. Decent human being. Died of over stimulation.” I was fascinated by an eloquent engineer. He certainly knew how to work and run an engine. So much that one night, he and his friend decided to hit the town and picked up some random chic to bring home to his house and ran a train on her. He tried to blame it on me for making him wait too long for sex. And according to him, it wasn’t a threesome. Whatever. It was certainly disgusting. Oh, did I mention he was still hung up on his stripper ex girlfriend? Ha! How about a baller who took me on a very expensive romantic weekend getaway just to ask me later why I didn’t wanna have sex with him after spending so much on me. Um that’s because I’m not a whore, stupid! I hung out with a chiropractor by day, gigolo by night. A Navy SEAL that was way too cocky for my taste. A business owner from Hicksville. A bible thumper. A closet married man. A psycho and a stalker. A professional dater who was an habitual liar. A dead beat dad who gave up his paternal rights. A nymph who will have sex with anything that moves, and he did. There’s just way too many guys and too many stories to list guys. Perhaps a book is not such a bad idea huh? Now I don’t want everyone thinking that I dated nothing but losers because there were also plenty of men that I felt were absolutely perfect, just not perfect for me. The fact that I dated a lot of men helped me figure out what my likes and dislikes were. So when my husband came into the picture, I was well aware of what kind of man I was willing to share my life with. And let me conclude by saying that waiting for Mister Right was definitely worth it, because in the end, I ended up with the best.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Despite looking all fly today I got shot down… for packing! “I’d love some company but I have to pack” Vattafack?! Som min far hade sagt.. Dock inte om detta. Då hade han nog snarare sagt något i stil med: ge fan i min dotter din snuskiga karl. Hon är oskuld. Sen hade han fnissat. Sen blivit allvarlig. Sen blivit lite lätt förvirrad. Sen tagit sig ett glas vin eller liknande.

Aaaanywho. Back to english and the relevant: What man in his right state of mind turns down sex for packing?! Vattafack?! Som min far hade sagt.. Dock inte om detta. Då hade han nog snarare sagt något i stil med: ge fan i min dotter din snuskiga karl. Hon är oskuld. Sen hade han fnissat. Sen blivit allvarlig. Sen blivit lite lätt förvirrad. Sen tagit sig ett glas vin eller liknande. Sorry, got carried away again.

Even if you have to pack because you’re moving in three days and working all weekend you don’t turn down sex! Should I take this as a crystal clear fucking hint?? Oh fuck me. Literally. FUCK ME.


Nicht nur Oger haben Schichten, ich heute morgen auch. Frühschicht, weil mein Kollege Urlaub hat.  Und mindestens 7 Schichten Bekleidung am Leib. Zwei Schichten Handschuhe mal eingeschlossen. Zuunterst die Motoradhandschuhe, und dann Fäustline drüber. Ich muß mit den Fingern am Roller ja keine filigranen Arbeiten machen. Den Knopf für den Blinker kann jeder Grobmotoriker bedienen.

Als Belohnung afür habe ich jetzt wenigstens warme Finger, und die Füße spüre ich auch so langsam wieder. Der Koffeinpegel erreicht langsam den Zustand “betriebsbereit” und mein Tagesziel liegt bei 3 Fällen heute. Außerdem gabs heute eine originelle Rundmail. Wir haben jetzt ein Standardverfahren, falls mal ein Kunde eine Bescheinigung braucht, das wir auch im Falle einer Schweinegrippe Pandemie einsatzfähig bleiben.

Sowas deutete mein Chef schon letztens an. Im Prinzip läuft es darauf hinaus, das wir dann alle von zu Hause aus arbeiten. Ob die wissen, das ich im Umkreis von 1000 Metern 3 große Schweinezucht und -mastbetriebe habe? Und einen dazu noch in der Verwandtschaft?

Aber es eröffnet völlig neue Möglichkeiten. Hey, Sex am Arbeitsplatz

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

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Trips Welt (30)

„Warte kurz. Ich will dir noch was erzählen. Von einem Moment, in dem ich sehr traurig war. Willst du noch einen Schluck?“. Sie hält die Flasche am Hals fest und lässt sie hin und her schwingen, als wollte sie seine unschlüssigen Gedanken damit karikieren. Trip nickt. Sie schenkt ihm ein. Wieder ist das Glas randvoll. Ihres auch.
„Im Urlaub in Spanien habe ich damals Ramon kennen gelernt. Er war so alt wie ich, hatte aber schon jede Menge Erfahrungen gemacht. Ich hatte gar keine. Nicht ein Kuss, nichts. Und dann war da dieser Ramon und er war so cool.“ Trip sieht, dass Brittas Augen im Halbdunkel des leeren Cafes zu leuchten anfangen. Es ist fast mystisch.
„Nach ein paar Tagen habe ich dann auch kapiert, dass er etwas von mir will. Ich meine, kein Typ nimmt sich jeden Tag für ein Mädchen Zeit, nur um mit ihr Baden zu gehen oder Beachball zu spielen. Richtig? Das Blöde war nur, dass ich noch nicht soweit war. Echt nicht. Mein Busen war noch ganz winzig und mein Arsch völlig flach. Da war ich echt spät dran. Aber egal. Es gab Ramon und es gab die eine Chance für mich. Wenigstens wollte ich mich verlieben und einen Kuss mitnehmen. Und ich habe mich ganz schrecklich verliebt in den drei Tagen, die uns noch blieben. Natürlich wusste ich da noch nicht, wie weh das tun kann. Am letzten Abend haben wir uns geküsst. Es war herrlich! Nur gegen Ende hatte ich das Gefühl, dass Ramon mehr wollte und das wollte ich eben nicht. Wir haben uns trotzdem heiße Liebe versprochen und dass wir uns besuchen und all das.
Am nächsten Tag fuhr unser Bus zurück nach Deutschland. Er stand da und wir haben uns zum Abschied noch einmal geküsst. Mit pochendem Herzen bin ich als Letzte in den Bus gestiegen. Zisch und die Türen waren zu und schon waren wir auf der Autobahn.
Kaum waren wir zuhause angekommen, habe ich mich hingesetzt und Ramon einen Brief geschrieben. Völlig naiv natürlich. Ich würde ihn immer und über alles lieben und sobald ich könnte würde ich wieder zu ihm kommen und dann würden wir nachholen, was wir beim ersten Mal versäumt hatten, und so weiter. Außen auf den Umschlag habe ich zwölf rote Herzen gemalt, die von Norden nach Süden fliegen.
Zwei Wochen später kam seine Antwort. Es täte ihm leid, aber er hätte jemand anderen kennen gelernt und irgendwie sei er mehr der Typ für Romantik. Deshalb würde das mit uns beiden nicht funktionieren und das wäre doch nur ehrlich.
Klar war das ehrlich und es tat ehrlich weh. So weh, dass ich quasi von einem Tag auf den anderen aufgehört habe ein fröhliches Kind zu sein. Meine Eltern haben sich ernsthafte Sorgen gemacht und geahnt, was da in Spanien losgewesen war. Ich habe aber mit niemandem darüber gesprochen. Und soll ich dir was sagen: bis heute nicht. Du bist der Erste, dem ich das so erzählen kann.“

Dicke Tränen laufen über ihre Wangen und wie von selbst steht Trip auf, stellt sich hinter sie und umarmt sie mit seinen dünnen Armen. Seine Hände hängen blöde vor ihrem Busen herum. Er weiß nicht wohin damit. Sie verharren kurze Zeit in dieser absurden Position, dann steht Britta auf und schmiegt sich fest an ihn. Er bekommt eine Erektion, hofft dass sie das nicht merkt und hofft, dass sie es merkt. Sie küsst ihn und zum ersten Mal darf er ihre wohligen, weichen Lippen schmecken. Es raubt ihm fast den Verstand. Sie fährt mit ihrer Hand unter seinen Pullover und streichelt die nackte Haut seines Rückens. Gänsehaut. Trip ist jetzt sehr froh am Morgen geduscht zu haben. Er wagt es, ihre Brüste durch die Bluse hindurch zu streicheln. Sie kippt den Oberkörper leicht nach hinten, so kommt er besser ran. Irgendwann knöpft er ihren BH auf und ihre runden Dinger gehorchen der Schwerkraft. Trip gerät fast außer sich. Sie landen auf dem gekachelten Boden, nackt, geil und sprechen kein Wort. Sie führt sich seinen harten Schwanz ein und stöhnt leise. Das fühlt sich besser an, als er sich das mit ihr ausgemalt hat. Ihre Titten baumeln über ihm, die Warzen ganz hart und dunkel. Gierige Finger krallen sich in ihrem weichen Hintern fest. Dann kommt er viel zu schnell und er schämt sich. Trotzdem streichelt sie zärtlich sein Gesicht und flüstert: „Das war sehr, sehr gut.“ Jetzt möchte er auch weinen.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Equilibrium of People

My thoughts on people differ from the great speakers of the subject, but at the same time they’re definitely equal, and my wants are definitely the same, because I believe that all people deserve better than what we currently have, so I will attempt to explain the concept of people from a perspective that will allow people to be free and happy–a perspective to allow people to gain what they want and so they will deserve exactly what they have. This concept may sound like you reap what you sow, and I believe that it is related, but this concept is to clear up any confusion about the people that inhabit Earth so we can reap eternally fruitful crops.

First, and according to this Equilibrium, humans, in there constant pursuit of happiness, are infinitely ignorant and infinitely intelligent at the same time. No one can say that he or she has learned it all, nor can anyone say that they have an inability to learn completely–we’re forever learning because of these two opposites coexisting, and the Equilibrium seems to be in tune with this truth.

We’re also adhering to this Equilibrium in a fashion according to our vessels, and this holds true in many different ways, because our minds fall under its idea, our body size, skin tone, and other features fall gracefully under the Equilibrium of People, and the idea of our soul, too, reigns peacefully within the Equilibrium’s infinite boundary.

As mentioned our mind is constantly learning, and this fits the Equilibrium’s law, having two opposites existing together and creating an ultimatum. Here, too, we have two opposites that seem to stand out, and that’s the tone of skin color, because we’ve been ignorant in calling people either black or white, because none of us are truly black and none of us are truly white except for in our heads. Physically and truthfully, people are all brown. Everyone is a different shade of brown so that we’re singular in being brown, but no one is a different color than another, just a different shade of the same brown. According to the Equilibrium, I believe there’s an idea of an infinitely dark brown being produced from one force, and on the other end there’s an equally infinite idea of light brown. These two infinites are impossible to reach so that there is really no black or white, but shades of brown from within the two ideas of dark brown and light brown. I believe that everyone is singular in their color brown and we have been oppressing, discriminating, and segregating people without the foundation of logical reason–we’ve been ignorant–because people are all the same color. So, to be racist or prejudice is to discriminate against yourself in a way, because there’s nothing that makes anyone any different than you considering we’re all human and wanting to be happy.

We were separated because we separated ourselves; we were racist because we were ignorant.

People also fall in line to the theory of the Equilibrium, because of hair, eyes, and lips to mention a few I’m aware of. It seems that, in general, the darker the brown, the darker and thicker the hair of the person is, and the lighter the brown, the lighter the hair color and finer the hair texture, because I see it every day even though there are light toned women and men with black hair. It seems like there are fewer dark haired, light toned people than there are light colored hair and light toned people–it’s as if they bleed into one another while upholding this generality. People who have lighter skin seem to have lighter colored eyes as a generality, too, and people with darker skin seem to have darker colored eyes. This, however, is by no means an ultimatum, because it’s possible for any combination of anything to happen–its rarity is what I’m trying to explain. It seems, too, and I don’t think I’m being prejudice, that the darker the skin tone, the fuller the lips and vice versa. There are also people with slanted eyes and people with round eyes and infinite spots to rest between a circular shape and a shape related to a flat plain. No one has perfectly circular eyes, and no one’s eyes stay completely shut, but they rest in between the two. I don’t know if skin tone affects eyes shape, but it’s apparent that all people have different eyes. I would argue that people are singular in every feature they possess.

There’s also the opposites of sex in human nature; there’s the man and then there’s the woman, but they’re no different outside of the reproductive parts of the vessel. A woman can do anything she wants to so long as she’s not held down, and so long as a man isn’t held down, he can, too. Women should be able to preach in church, teach in schools, lead the human race, and do anything that they want to do, both collectively and individually.

Why would anyone believe that the man is perfect, but not the woman? If Adam was made good, then why wouldn’t Eve be, and if they’re both the same–one in marriage–then what makes them any different besides the reproductive parts of their bodies when they’re on Earth and are useful for production.

On one end, people, as a generality, are more emotional if they’re a part of the woman’s sex, but are more analytical if they’re the man’s sex. However, both of these, again, bleed into one another so that it’s erroneous to say that all women are more emotional than analytical or that all men are more analytical than emotional, because there are analytical women, and there are emotional men, but again, I think it’s the rarity I’m trying to explain. Some women are more sociable than some men, but some men are more sociable than some women, but I would bet money that, as a generality, women are more sociable than men.

This can lead to prejudices, though, so we must be careful, because, again, there’s no difference in humans besides our differences. We are all different but the same. We’re singular in the unity of race.

If you begin to look at people in light of this new knowledge, you should be able to tell that you have some connection to everyone. Let us breathe in this freedom and become what we want to be. You see, “I am Me,” is a powerful statement, because one must become what he or she truly wants in order to be happy, and what you truly want, the “me” you create, isn’t going to be like anyone else, so we shouldn’t be prejudice against others, for how could we when we know that none are the same except all are the same–that we’re all individuals, but we’re all united as human. So, be free and choose not to categorize a group of people, whatever group you decide to imagine and create inside your head, because how could a mass of individuals become one, and why would you associate many different people with a single common category? This is prejudice, because even people that are united, for instance, Muslims believing in Islamic beliefs and practices all share a common belief, but it’s far fetched to say that all Muslims are the same despite geographical locations, influences, and learnings.

Drop this prejudice and allow individuals to collectively gather and produce fruit for the kingdom of Heaven.

D'ale diminetii incurcaturi....

Buna dimineata in primul rand,desi pentru mine va fi noapte buna!

E ceata in Bucuresti! Imi place ceata,v-am spus asta? Imi place ca nu te lasa sa te vezi tot,ca e rece ca mine,ca e uneori dureroasa si ca te invaluie si te tine numai pentru ea. E egoista cum am fost eu cu sentimentul iubirii,e egoista,da!Cum ar fi toate fenomenele ale naturii de mica tragedie de la ceata (dar de efect as adauga eu!) pana la taifunuri si uragane sa fie altruiste? Ar fi ceva zic eu! Atunci nu ar mai fi moarte psihica sau fizica,nu am sti unde incepe si unde se termina fatidicul ,am sti sa admiram sa iubim frumuseti ,sa le dam meritul pe care de altfel il au fara sa punem in centrul problemei propria persoana.Si atunci nu ar mai durea!

Trecand la alte probleme mai importante ajung la concluzia ca imi lipseste cu desavarsire o disciplina si ca spontaneitatea ma aduce in pragul dorintei de a vrea din ce in ce mai mult de la restul din jur fara sa dau de la mine mai nimic.Cine sunt eu sa cer daca nu dau? Eh si uite ca am gasit o questie la care m-am adaptat destul de bine in ziua de azi ca majoritatea cer fara sa dea!

Melodia saptamanii: Switchfoot- On Fire (click pe titlu sa o asculti)

Ce mai mancam: Telina rasa cu maioneza(face bine la potenta psihica,caci nu-i asa ce ar fi o femeie fara coaie psihice?)

Ce mai bem: Burn ,ceai negru,apa plata rece sa facem in gat si restul!

Ce mai citim: Moarte la Venetia(recomandata de un amic sa-i zic asa drag mie)

Ce mai facem: muncim cu drag si spor pentru patron:-)

Sex: 0 (barat as putea adauga eu) ,eh da ce conteaza asta cand e atata cicolata in lume ,nu? (nu-mi vine mai sunt asa de obosita psihic ca eu cred sincer ca as adormi acolo in timp ce ala s-ar cazni sa ma “resusciteze”:-) )

Picanterii despre mine : iesit la o a treia intalnire cu acest individ sa-i spunem ,eu personal il vad copil ,desi are aceeasi varsta ca si mine,azi planuita o intalnire cu fostul sot sa discutam amanunte despre “reimpacare spune el” eu raman pasiva la ce vrea el,nu ca nu mi-ar strica acum iarasi sa stau in puf fara sa ma chinui zi de zi cu niste dobitoci,insa stii vorba aia “ciorba reincalzita nu mai e buna!”,mi se phoote telefonul si ma apuca dracii,si imi e dor de “altceva”.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

License To Escort: The Trial Of Mariko Passion

Sex Work:
In The News

As the Olympics come upon us we have
heard much about surrounding
communities “gearing up” for the
anticipated influx of sex workers.
While our hearts go out to the real
victims of trafficking, many of us
who are in this work voluntarily are
proud of what we do and do not
appreciate being portrayed as
powerless victims.

What these slick anti-prostitution ad
campaigns fail to highlight is the
labor organizing going on in the sex
work industry and the fact that
what most continues to victimize
us is the legal system itself!

Mariko’s Trial
Come on out on October 22nd to show your support for sex worker activist and founder of SWOP LA, Mariko Passion. She will be in court to request an early termination of probation with a goal of dismissing her hearing. Mariko has chosen to represent herself “pro per” without the assistance of a lawyer. Here is why:
“I feel that only I can best represent to the court and the ruling judge how being on probation has affected my ability to find sustainable legal work and housing.  By law, I can convert my remaining 1 year of probation into an estimated 3 days of county jail.” says Ms. Passion.

In 2008, Ms. Passion was lured into a vice sting operation setup off of Craigslist, arrested and jailed for a night in county jail.  After fighting her prostitution charge for almost a year, she settled for 18 months of probation and a charge of “escorting without a license”.
Although she would have liked to pursue
fighting a not-guilty charge she was
obligated to fold due to lack of financial resources.
SWOP LA invites you to support Ms. Passion and learn for your own benefit about how a sex workers is treated in LA County regardless of having the privlidge of being a first offender, having founded a non profit, and possessing a Masters Degree!
Will the judge and court decide that Mariko needs 3 days in the slammer to teach her a lesson about the ills of prostitution or will he release her charges entirely?
Get a front row seat and support Mariko by attending her trial. Please call Ofelia at 1-877-776-2004 x606.  Due to the confidential nature of the case description above, we only want compassionate supporters and will screen for such.


I find myself in a unique set of circumstances this week. I am terribly busy par usual which has made it difficult to write, but there is… a new distraction in my life. I’m not sure how I feel about it, need to work it through and I will. I just… need to get my feet under myself first. I need to take a little break in order to do that. Here is my promise. Today is Saturday the 10th of October. I will write on my own, work through this… new found wonderment in my life and in one week, October 17th, I will start to post again. I’ll explain this diversion of mine down the rabbit hole… as long as I am allowed.

Much love valiant readers.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Let's talk about sex...

Ok, not sure if this will be TMI for most people but I am going to talk a bit about my sex life, so don’t continue reading if u don’t want to…

Now I have talked about before how I don’t really “desire” my hubby in the way I am suppose to.  There are times where I want to be with him and love him and everything but I still don’t desire and enjoy his physical body.  I try, I really do.  I try to clear my mind of everything and focus just on him and who he is and his touch and everything and how he loves me and really desires to be with me but it just doesn’t work for me.

I can only get off sand enjoy sex when I start imagining other things.  Things like looking at other women, being with a woman, me being a guy with a woman, a girl going down on me (either as a guy or a girl), etc…  His touch and sexual actions with me are not enough to arouse me and bring me to “it”.  And when I don’t imagine those things, then sex is bland and somewhat lifeless and very very frustrating.

So to keep my hubby pleased and fulfilled, I give in to the fantasy in my head so that our coming together can happen and he doesn’t feel rejected.  I mean we can’t just never have sex.  I don’t want him to feel bad or feel unloved or never get his needs met or anything.  And if I just laid there or didn’t make any noise of gratification or anything then he wouldn’t be able to enjoy it either.

What is a girl to do?

Girly and Girly sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g

I have been having not such a good day, and writing on this blog makes me feel better, so for a special treat you’re going to get 2 posts in 1 day!  And, after reading Erin’s spectacular work on the kiss-boys-on-the-butt incident, and having her tease us with the lesbian closet incident, I figured it was only fair that I cough up the other alluded-to lesbian incident.  So here goes:

You already have some idea, no doubt, that the setting for this incident is the Unnamed Religious Private School .  I’m sure I have awkward stories about sex and sexuality from middle and high school too, but right now they don’t seem NEARLY as interesting to me as the lesbian incident and the vague fog I wandered through in the elementary grades.

As we’ve mentioned before, we were goody-two-shoes rather than bad-dy bats.  For the most part our friends followed the same pattern.  We hung out with people who mostly stayed clear of trouble and did as they were told (within reason), so moments when we suspected we might possibly get in TROUBLE were a very big deal.  One such incident occurred in (again!) the 4th grade when our friend Alexandra (Alex) and I had wandered into the bathroom at the end of recess and were late getting back to class.  Not surprisingly, the memories of that we-might-get-in-trouble feeling are much stronger than the memories of why, precisely, we were about to get in trouble.  I sense that this particular incident had something to do with not tucking in our uniform shirts.  We were on the playground when a group of kids nearby got seriously harangued for their un-tucked shirts.  Ours must have been disheveled too, and we ran to the bathroom to either (1) escape notice and remain untucked or (2) tuck in our shirts ourselves before we got chewed out too.   This seems ridiculous, but I’m almost positive it’s true.

So Alex and I were hiding out in the bathroom, waiting out the bell signalling us to return to our rooms, when we heard someone coming down the outdoor corridor leading up to the women’s restroom.  ”Quick!”  said Alex.  ”Someone’s coming!  It might be Ms. Ditch.  Hide!” We turned to hide and, without really formulating a plan, ran into the same bathroom stall.  As soon as we shut and latched the door, the sound of some older girls (5th graders, no doubt) echoed off the tiles.  The noise hadn’t been Ms. Ditch after all, and we weren’t in trouble for our shirttails.  But now we faced a very different menace: the specter of homosexuality.

“Stand on the toilet!”  Alex hissed to me.  I was confused about why I might do this.  What was wrong with being in the same bathroom stall?  But whether or not I understood didn’t really matter; the girls saw our feet before I had time to act.

“Are there two girls in that bathroom?” one asked.

“Who’s in there?” another called.

We didn’t know exactly why we were being taunted, but we knew for sure that we couldn’t show our faces now.

“Come on out!” they shouted.  ”We won’t tell!”  Tell what?  What could they possibly do to get us in trouble?  Were they going to tell Ms. Ditch about our shirts?  About our generally unkempt appearances?

Whatever the possibilities, we knew that saying “we won’t tell” meant that they most certainly would tell someone something, even if we didn’t see what that something was.  Alex signalled to me that we would remain incased in our fortress until the girls were gone.  We were late for class, but this was the price we had to pay in order to avoid being in trouble for something worse – something unidentified.

The 5th graders were pretty determined.  And we were still extremely naive.  When we thought they had finally left, they were merely outside the door, waiting around the corner for us to emerge.  When we finally did come out we were met with a chorus of taunts.  I don’t really remember what they said, specifically.  But I knew the general idea – that they thought we had been kissing in the bathroom stall.

As you learned from Erin’s previous post, kissing in general was not at all allowed, and kissing another girl was clearly outside the realm of possibility.  I am certain that the word “lesbian” was brought up directly that day.  And the day after that.  It was a week or two before Alex and I would live down the accusations whispered on the playground.  I distinctly remember one moment in particular, when an older girl – a cool girl I knew only by sight – summoned me over to the tennis court fence and whispered to me, “Is it true you and that tall girl are lesbians?”

I don’t know what rudimentary understanding I had of homosexuality at that time.  But whatever that sense was, it could not possibly have been helped along by the hisses and jeers of the other students, taunting us for being something we’d never even heard of before.  As with Scott’s PG-porn-for-kiddies scheme, we came away from this incident with the idea that something about us was shameful.  We were dirty, and we should have gotten in trouble. We were just lucky the older girls hadn’t elected to tell Ms. Ditch or one of her other cohort.

This strange incident in my life was followed by several moments of childhood worry that my relationships with others might be taken out of context.  When I went to the movies with my recently widowed grandmother, I worried that other people would think we were lesbians.  Whatever that meant.  I worried that she would be seen as the one responsible for this, and that she would get in trouble.  Looking back at this story now, I also realize that Alex must have known at least a bit more about the topic than I did.  She clearly understood that we had a situation on our hands as soon as I ran into the stall with her.  I had no idea that this was a bad choice until long after the girls had begun their taunting.  But what I don’t understand to this day is where this topic injected itself into the culture of the Unnamed Religious School.  After all, this was the late 80’s and the early 90’s in the deep South.  While gay culture was developing a newfound voice outside of our walls, battling the AIDS epidemic and fighting for civil rights, very little in mainstream popular culture existed to bring this voice to kids like us.  Where did my 5th grade tormentors learn their lingo?  I had no idea what a lesbian was.  So how did they?

Alex and I eventually became yesterday’s news, and the 5th grade girls found new kids to tease.  But the incident left a tiny little bump in my experience.  I had always been a kid who was close to my friends.  I was affectionate and – for lack of a better word – cuddly.  So was Erin.  This is how we operated.  We followed each other pretty much everywhere, and I’m even pretty sure we bathed together once or twice when we were still pretty young.  But my week in the queer spotlight lead to a new understanding of intimacy – even spatial intimacy, like sharing a bathroom stall – as yet another object of shame.

I’m sure that, had Melissa been there, she would have told me that Cindy Crawford never went into bathroom stalls with other women.  And I’m pretty sure she would’ve been wrong.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Soho Is Gone!

“We regret at due to the stringent way that Age Verification is enforced in Second Life, that running Soho as an adult sim has become no longer viable. With regret, we have decided not to renew the Soho sim as part of the estate.  We ask that you contact management with any questions.  Until the tier payment comes due, we will open the sim up for everyone.  Thank you for your understanding. – London Team”

And there it is, how quickly things change in SL, there had been lots of hard work, lots of passion put into building Soho in SL London, we all waited eagerly for the opening of this most unusual sim and were given a preview just before it opened.  It’s very sad for all concerned and there were some nice buildings there.  Maybe people weren’t as eager for the sex side of things as was anticipated, but then it needed other stuff going on to draw people in and more publicity, it’s very hard though with a new sim, getting regular traffic and I’m sure it would have grown gradually.  I always thought that as Soho was seemingly only about the Phoenix Club, that they could have built it into the corner of an existing sim, one that has Mature rating, as the rest of Soho seemed empty. 

I wondered back over to Chelsea where I had my lovely apartment and looked in at the Jazz club, which had closed a few days before.  It looks like they opened the doors again and there is piped music going on, surely this would be a great place to concentrate on after the closing of the Phoenix, people love romantic places, but who am I to say!!

 Oh well, onwards and upwards! lets hope some happier news is waiting just around the corner!!

This one time...

I had writer’s block this afternoon. Still so much to say and yet, at times, hard to get it out!

So I turned to my favorite man Jack, and asked him what I should write about next. His answer? “Tell the balcony story.”

Ahhh, the balcony story. And while Jack assumes it is a good story, the real reason he wants me to tell it is because he wasn’t there and he doesn’t know exactly what happened. By suggesting it he’s supporting my writing and investigating all at the same time. Sneaky fucker!

At any rate, the story goes, this one time…I fucked Kate on her balcony.

Ok, it has a better start than that. I sometimes work evening/late shifts and by the time I would get home Jack (who goes to work early every morning) and the kids are already asleep. Since my work is close to Kate’s place we’ve come to an agreement that on the nights I work late I will stop by and visit her.

One such evening was a Friday, and a dinner party for mutual female friends of ours was occurring as I arrived. All during my work I’d made a mental plan to be aggressive for once, and not waste any of the time alone I had with Kate.

You see, while Kate and I are grown ass women (who have been in many compromising positions) it is not uncommon for us to get stuck in that transition between friend and lover. My intention was to cut that waste of time short, forgo my shyness, and take control of the situation.

Two glasses of wine, and some goodbye’s to friends later, we found ourselves ushering the last drunk lady out. She inquired, “Hey Jill, I guess I’m headed out. You want to walk with me?” To which I sweetly replied, “Aww, sorry. I’m going to stay for a couple more minutes and help Kate with the dishes.”

If she’d been sober she surely would have seen Kate turn and burst into a grin behind her back. As it was, she said her final goodbye and walked a few blocks down the street to her home.

Alone, finally, with Kate…panic hit my stomach. I forced it down and stuck to my plan.

Kate moved to a side table to blow out some candles and pick up. I walked up behind her and put my arms around her waist. I’m less than an inch taller than she, but in the right shoes can feel a tad of height on her.

I’ve always had this strange fascination with the back of her neck. I suppose beyond the tits I’d consider it the most favorable part of a woman’s body. Kate has a tattoo at the nape of her neck that I adore, and I find myself drawn to these few inches of her body regularly.

Kate’s hair was up, and so standing behind her, I grabbed her close, ran my hand from her hips to her tits, and kissed the back of her neck. In seconds her breath was halting and caught in surprise. She backed her hips up towards me, and moved in rhythm as I pressed back against her.

After minutes of her standing back to me as I groped from her tits to between her legs, I grabbed her shirt and pulled it off over her head. Still not moving from the same table we started next to, I then unbuttoned her pants and slid them down off her legs.

She then turned to face me, in only her bra and panties, and unceremoniously stripped me.

Unclothed and encouraged I stepped into her space, spreading her legs with one of mine, rubbing her nipple with my fingers, and crashing my mouth against hers. We made out furiously for a few moments – each of us glad to have arrived at our time together so quickly.

Soon it became apparent that we needed to move from standing up to a more fuckable position. Given the choice between heading for bed, the couch, and the balcony surrounded  by the cool fall air, I grabbed her hand and brought her outside.

If we hadn’t both indulged in a few glasses of wine before heading outside in the fall air the conditions may have seemed frigid. As it stood, the crispness merely brought another sensation to our bodies. We continued kissing standing up, and then I gently pushed Kate down to sitting on the loveseat.

I climbed on top of her, knowing she would quickly take advantage of my tits being in her face. We sat, me straddling on top of her, enjoying each other’s bodies, warmth, and the proximity of our pussies, for as long as we could stand.

Encouraged by the response so far to my bold approach, I swiftly decided to stand up off Kate’s lap, then kneel down between her legs. I’d many times put my fingers inside of her, and used them to pleasure her to climax…but had yet to use my mouth on her.

And so I sat – between her legs – hesitant for the briefest of seconds.

I glanced up quickly and saw the woman that had come to mean so much to me and Jack, and the person that I had already experienced so many new things with. Without another thought I stroked my hand down the inside of each of her thighs and then softly inserted a finger inside of her.

Kate flexed and wiggled her hips in a positive response. I then spread her pussy lips apart with my fingers and gave her a lick from my finger inside to her clit my tongue trailed. Kate again made a slight thrust approval, and so I continued on my new exploration.

Outside, in the crisp fall air, I performed oral on a woman for the first time ever. I don’t know if I’m lucky that Kate is one hell of a sexual being, or if my own experience at receiving came into play, but I do know that it went fantastically.

With nearly every flit of my tongue and move of my fingers Kate tightened and heightened. As her desire grew she began grabbing at her own breasts, massaging her tits, and encouraging me with a soft, but audible, “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

No longer inhibited by my lack of experience, I gave into my instincts and fucked her with my fingers and mouth as hard as I could. Within minutes she was crying out and shaking from the force of her orgasm.

I withdrew my fingers from her and wiped her juices from my mouth a bit, when suddenly she pulled me up next to her again. We made out passionately…her in relief and enjoyment and myself still wound up with anticipation.

Quickly she moved so that I was lying down on the seat and she began to work with her fingers and tongue between my legs. Already hot from the experience of giving my first head, I could barely stand her tonguing for a minute before coming myself.

We stayed for a moment together, feeling the satisfactory heat between us, before realizing the chilly air was winning. Once inside we headed for the shower together…warm, slippery, and satisfied.

Imagines via Bing

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Gossip, Lady Gaga and Madonna, Real Housewives news, woman wants divorce from big penis

It was a  gay men´s wet dream yesterday night at SNL when both Madonna and Lady Gaga were performing in a skit. Is wasn´t very funny but seeing the queen and princess of pop together for the first time is great enough as it is. Lady Gaga also confirmed that her tour with Kanye West will not be canceled but held without him. That´s better period in my opinion.

Some Real Housewives news. First Bethenny Frankel will not stay on the New York Housewives, but will only be on her own spinoff. She apparently also had huge fights with bff Jill Zarin so it might have been forced as well. I never liked Bethenny so I will like the Housewives better and will not watch her spinoff. And Kim Zolciak might have gotten a wedding proposal from her Big Poppa in the last episode of the season. In real time she has already broken up with him and was seen having lunch with Millionaire Matchmaker Patty Stanger, probably looking for a new sugar daddy.

In Taiwan a woman was denied her second request for a divorce from her husband who was too well endowed for her. She has been married to him for 14 years and sex was painful every time for her. The measuring tape did not come out in court because according to them it is all subjective. When both parties want a divorce it is fairly easy in Taiwan but probably the guy wasn´t ready for that yet. I never heard of being to big as a problem, definitely not with asian men.

Prostitute takes 8G from blind lawyer

In America: A blind Delaware County lawyer is hoping for a happy ending after his federal civil suit against a Philadelphia woman and a credit-card company, was thrown out last week.

John F. Peoples, 60, was steamed after he learned that the woman who he says he hired for sex allegedly overbilled his Discover card by $8,600.

So he sued her for damages and the credit-card company for alleged violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act, claiming that it had not sufficiently protected its blind customers.

“This wouldn’t have happened to a sighted person,” Peoples said yesterday, adding that he plans to appeal.

In court documents, the woman named in the suit, Ginger Dayle, said that she had provided Pilates lessons to Peoples and denied that she was a prostitute or that she had defrauded his credit card.

She filed a countersuit claiming that Peoples had inappropriately touched her butt and that he initiated the lawsuit after she rebuffed his sexual advances, according to court documents.

That case also was dismissed.

bron: [2-10-2009]

Saturday, October 3, 2009

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The Big Flick by Adam Snavely (Kozy Books, 1961)

Along with Jerry Goff, Max Collier, and John Turner, Adam Snavely is my next “big find,” and he’s at the top of the heap.  I have no idea who he really was, but he did a dozen or so books for Kozy.

Snavely may have been a house pseudonym, as a quick glance at a few titles I have, the writing styles look different.  One of them, Love Drive, credits Snavely on the cover, but on the title page the book is called The Love Slave by Orrie Hitt, also listed that way in the back of book catalogue of a number of Kozy books I have.  I’m not sure yet if Love Drive is Orrie Hitt, haveb’t scrutinized yet, but it’s set in L.A., not Hitt territory.

The Big Flick is also set in L.A. and the film industry.  The protagonist is 20-something Terry Wilson, a young writer with a smash first novel and a collection of stories on th way.  An old college friend, Zip Zachery, has established himself as a hot young producer with a couple of hit indie films under his belt, and has brought his old buddy Wilson to Tinself Town to write his next film.  What that film is is anyone’s guess — there is no script, not even a treatment or idea, as Zachery has rounded investors and studio backing based on the strength of Wilson’s hit novel. He’s also casting small parts for actresses, in exchange for investment from parents and sex from the eager starlets.

Whoever wrote this odd little Hollywood novel wrongly packaged as a sleaze wank book knows the business of filmmaking and the seediness of behind-the-scenes machinations of sex, lies, and double-speak required to get stories on screen.

This is territory I know well myself, having dealt with producers, agents, actors, and other types in Tinsel Town. (See my indie flick, The Watermelon, now distributed on DVD and Blu-Ray; plus I have had published novels and screenplays optioned here and there,won some screenwriting and festival awards, have optioned and pitched TV pilots, had a short documentary screen at Cannes last May, and soon.) There are some scenes and situations in this book that ring true to my experience, and probably just about any other writer whose virgin eyes have been popped when the illusion of Hollywood is shattered like a cheap wine bottle, and the whole tawdriness and ugliness of how things really work is revealed like a drunk, old, and worn stripper in a dark hole-in-the-wall stripper bar.

Why The Big Flick wound up with Kozy is anyone’s guess  — was the author unable to place it with a mainstream house?  It could have been. The sexual stuff is minimal, as the case usually is with some sleazecore books; the core is a well-written yarn of a reclusive literary author’s slow corruption with sex, booze, and drugs as people chase after dreams of the visual image on the silver screen and all the lies fame and fortune Hollywood presents to the neophyte, writer, actress, directors alike.  It is a business truly run by fast-talking “producers” who are two steps away from the label con artist or thief.

Although published decades before Robert Downey, Jr., there is a Downey-like character, a damn fine actor who keeps having to go to detox, running off sets with models and hookers, and just a mess…

Wilson is placed in a hotel room, then an  apartment, to write the script.  He has been assigned a “secretary” who takes care of his any sexual need, but he has his heart set on this actress, Harriett.  Eventually he moves in with her.

Zachery goes over budget and to get more money, he signs a three-film contract with the distributors to do some monster movies. “Find me a lizard!” he cries.

When the movie screens, Wilson thinks it’s horrible but the audiences like it, get gets more writing work, the reviews are good…he doesn’t understand how Hollywood can like the crap the movie came out as, but he takes the money, the actress, and the life…