My thoughts on people differ from the great speakers of the subject, but at the same time they’re definitely equal, and my wants are definitely the same, because I believe that all people deserve better than what we currently have, so I will attempt to explain the concept of people from a perspective that will allow people to be free and happy–a perspective to allow people to gain what they want and so they will deserve exactly what they have. This concept may sound like you reap what you sow, and I believe that it is related, but this concept is to clear up any confusion about the people that inhabit Earth so we can reap eternally fruitful crops.
First, and according to this Equilibrium, humans, in there constant pursuit of happiness, are infinitely ignorant and infinitely intelligent at the same time. No one can say that he or she has learned it all, nor can anyone say that they have an inability to learn completely–we’re forever learning because of these two opposites coexisting, and the Equilibrium seems to be in tune with this truth.
We’re also adhering to this Equilibrium in a fashion according to our vessels, and this holds true in many different ways, because our minds fall under its idea, our body size, skin tone, and other features fall gracefully under the Equilibrium of People, and the idea of our soul, too, reigns peacefully within the Equilibrium’s infinite boundary.
As mentioned our mind is constantly learning, and this fits the Equilibrium’s law, having two opposites existing together and creating an ultimatum. Here, too, we have two opposites that seem to stand out, and that’s the tone of skin color, because we’ve been ignorant in calling people either black or white, because none of us are truly black and none of us are truly white except for in our heads. Physically and truthfully, people are all brown. Everyone is a different shade of brown so that we’re singular in being brown, but no one is a different color than another, just a different shade of the same brown. According to the Equilibrium, I believe there’s an idea of an infinitely dark brown being produced from one force, and on the other end there’s an equally infinite idea of light brown. These two infinites are impossible to reach so that there is really no black or white, but shades of brown from within the two ideas of dark brown and light brown. I believe that everyone is singular in their color brown and we have been oppressing, discriminating, and segregating people without the foundation of logical reason–we’ve been ignorant–because people are all the same color. So, to be racist or prejudice is to discriminate against yourself in a way, because there’s nothing that makes anyone any different than you considering we’re all human and wanting to be happy.
We were separated because we separated ourselves; we were racist because we were ignorant.
People also fall in line to the theory of the Equilibrium, because of hair, eyes, and lips to mention a few I’m aware of. It seems that, in general, the darker the brown, the darker and thicker the hair of the person is, and the lighter the brown, the lighter the hair color and finer the hair texture, because I see it every day even though there are light toned women and men with black hair. It seems like there are fewer dark haired, light toned people than there are light colored hair and light toned people–it’s as if they bleed into one another while upholding this generality. People who have lighter skin seem to have lighter colored eyes as a generality, too, and people with darker skin seem to have darker colored eyes. This, however, is by no means an ultimatum, because it’s possible for any combination of anything to happen–its rarity is what I’m trying to explain. It seems, too, and I don’t think I’m being prejudice, that the darker the skin tone, the fuller the lips and vice versa. There are also people with slanted eyes and people with round eyes and infinite spots to rest between a circular shape and a shape related to a flat plain. No one has perfectly circular eyes, and no one’s eyes stay completely shut, but they rest in between the two. I don’t know if skin tone affects eyes shape, but it’s apparent that all people have different eyes. I would argue that people are singular in every feature they possess.
There’s also the opposites of sex in human nature; there’s the man and then there’s the woman, but they’re no different outside of the reproductive parts of the vessel. A woman can do anything she wants to so long as she’s not held down, and so long as a man isn’t held down, he can, too. Women should be able to preach in church, teach in schools, lead the human race, and do anything that they want to do, both collectively and individually.
Why would anyone believe that the man is perfect, but not the woman? If Adam was made good, then why wouldn’t Eve be, and if they’re both the same–one in marriage–then what makes them any different besides the reproductive parts of their bodies when they’re on Earth and are useful for production.
On one end, people, as a generality, are more emotional if they’re a part of the woman’s sex, but are more analytical if they’re the man’s sex. However, both of these, again, bleed into one another so that it’s erroneous to say that all women are more emotional than analytical or that all men are more analytical than emotional, because there are analytical women, and there are emotional men, but again, I think it’s the rarity I’m trying to explain. Some women are more sociable than some men, but some men are more sociable than some women, but I would bet money that, as a generality, women are more sociable than men.
This can lead to prejudices, though, so we must be careful, because, again, there’s no difference in humans besides our differences. We are all different but the same. We’re singular in the unity of race.
If you begin to look at people in light of this new knowledge, you should be able to tell that you have some connection to everyone. Let us breathe in this freedom and become what we want to be. You see, “I am Me,” is a powerful statement, because one must become what he or she truly wants in order to be happy, and what you truly want, the “me” you create, isn’t going to be like anyone else, so we shouldn’t be prejudice against others, for how could we when we know that none are the same except all are the same–that we’re all individuals, but we’re all united as human. So, be free and choose not to categorize a group of people, whatever group you decide to imagine and create inside your head, because how could a mass of individuals become one, and why would you associate many different people with a single common category? This is prejudice, because even people that are united, for instance, Muslims believing in Islamic beliefs and practices all share a common belief, but it’s far fetched to say that all Muslims are the same despite geographical locations, influences, and learnings.
Drop this prejudice and allow individuals to collectively gather and produce fruit for the kingdom of Heaven.
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