Sarah Jessica Parker will have a quiet New Year’s Eve with her family.
The ‘Sex and the City’ actress – who plays glamorous newspaper columnist Carrie Bradshaw in the hit US TV show and movie – plans to shun her Hollywood lifestyle and will spend the night indoors with her husband Matthew Broderick and their three children.
She said: “What am I doing for New Year’s Eve? I’ll be spending it with my husband and my family.”
The 44-year-old actress – who has son James Wilkie, seven, and six-month-old twin daughters Marion Loretta and Tabitha Hodge with Matthew -has had an eventful year.
As well as filming the second ‘Sex and the City’ movie, she and Matthew welcomed their new twin daughters through a surrogate mother into the world on June 22.
Ya, here I am flinging ‘F’ words all over the place, and nobody’s around to appreciate my awesome alliterations! It’s New Year’s Eve, and the office is like a ghost town sparsely populated with lethargic ghosts in ratty jeans. Princess Panda is the only one making an effort to dress for the occasion here, wearing a red hairband with huge jaunty red flowers & feathers stuck on top.
Ya, so I’m in permanent Ascot races mode when I’m happy, what can I say?
Anyway I’d just heard that a village hottie from back home is getting hitched! At the ripe old age of 26! *tsk tsk* So young, so beautiful, so full of promise, & sooooo taken. I commisserated with a good guy friend of mine over this; for him, she was ‘the one that got away’. Since I’m in an alliterative mood this morning, let’s call him …’F’. For ‘Fantastic’.
Well when I found my way to Facebook this morning & found out the frikkin’ news, I messaged Mr. F to find out if he was feeling fine. *fuahaha* And then, quite without invitation, I barged in with my two cents’ worth of love advice (ya, I’m such an authority figure here having had three boyfriends before Mr. Panda ambled into my horizon & blocked out the sun.)
The problem Mr. F was facing is something quite a few men face these days surprisingly. Like Ross in ‘Friends’, who pined for Rachel for years before getting her (and losing her, & getting her back, & losing her…you get the picture), sometimes the good, loyal, decent gentlemen who would technically make great husbands always end up being relegated to the ‘Friend’ basket, while the jerks on a white charger come in & sweep the dames away into a passionate stupor. And then, just as quickly, Rhett sweeps out again, leaving the nice, steadfast ‘Friend’ to patch up said dame, only to watch her ride off into the sunset with someone else when she’s all nicely mended.
I tell ya, it doesn’t make sense! I’m convinced the answer lies in the WOOING & in sezing the WINDOW.
See, if you’re a guy & you happen to really dig a particular woman, please DON’T take the Korean mini-series male hero way of writing your feelings into a diary, losing it & then hoping that it’ll magically end up in the girl’s best friend’s locker room & she’ll bring it to your lady love and then you live happily ever after. [cue violin music against angst-filled background shots of beautiful Korean winterscape.] Suppression of emotions is NOT a sign of stoicism; it’s a sign of sheer stupidity. (Really on an alliterative roll now. *amazed at myself*)
Trust me on this one. When you meet a girl, you only have a very limited, rapidly diminishing window of opportunity in which to form an impression in her brain, that you are romantic hero material. Remember; you will be fighting with visions of the latest Prada handbag, PMS, corporate politics & Jake Lautner for space in that brain of hers. So your every move must be calculated, focused and above all, swift. There are exceptions to the rule of course; but unless you look like Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Ken Watanabe, and have Obama’s clout and Bill Gates’ money, you may consider yourself the rule rather than the exception.
So STRIKE when the iron’s hot. Be Mr. Nice Guy, sure. But telegraph your interest for goodness’ sake. Take a risk & let her know (not in so many words lah…practice your non-verbal skills!) that; (a) you’re available to explore a relationship with her (b) you’re a good person who’s sticking around for the long-term (c) you think she’s the best thing since sliced bread, and (d) you badly want to be her beau. And convey all that BEFORE she sees you as a good friend & you get relegated to that basket.
Case in point; I’ve dated a few guys, and they’re all completely different from one another. Literally the ONLY thing they had in common was that they all moved fast. Excellent move, I might add. Give me too much time, and I’ll start manufacturing reasons why it wouldn’t work, it’s the wrong time, he’s not my type, blah blah blah.
I can’t over-emphasise the fact that there’s a small window of opportunity for women; we’re big suckers for the ’swept away’ feeling. No time to think, weigh, consider. It’s our inner Scarlett clamouring for big southern romances against a landscape of uncertainty! It’s the ‘being in the moment’, and the sense of destiny (probably brought on by too many late-night movies, romance novels & sugar deprivation from a low-carb diet) that makes us feel as though everything has been written in the stars, and then the magic words appear:
‘Could he be …The ONE??’
Because after all, things aren’t supposed to happen so fast…unless we have something really, really powerful going on, in which case it’s stupid to consider the pros & cons because, you know, it’s fate and all. *cracks gum*
Ok, I’m exaggerating here to make a point, but I wanted you to see how all the movies we watch and the books we read have primed us for a Grand Romance. We yearn to have that Great Love, the one we can tell our grandkids about. Andrea de Cruz & Pierre Png have that great love story; “Grandpa gave grandma a part of his liver after hers got burnt by ingesting diet pills from China.” You’d serve us well to give us that grand romance of a lifetime. If you throw all your cards down, and take a risk for love, the worst we can do is reject you. But then we’d never see you as a mere ‘Friend’; a title worse than death for a guy with a bleeding love-lorn heart.
Mr. F thinks that he should wait for a woman who actually wants to marry her friend. Now I’m not saying that there aren’t marriages like that (the Chinese call it ‘re jiu shen qin’; extended togetherness blooms love); but in today’s fast-paced world where everything is about instant gratification, the lady may get nabbed by someone else while you’re waiting for the shoots of love to bloom. The ‘re jiu shen qin’ situation only applies if nobody is out to nab your girl, and that buys you a lot of time for love to grow like a little plant in dry season. Cos make no mistake about it, romance is the water that nourishes your love tree; and friendship without romance is a recipe for a long hard winter’s crop.
So it’s not just about finding a woman who really wants to marry her friend. You’ll find that by the time women marry they really are already marrying their friend! All the traits of a good friendship like trust, the ability to communicate & enjoy each other’s company, same values, same wavelength etc…they’re present in a good marriage too. But it’s about upping the romance quotient! Some women like to think that passion for them has so affected a man’s ability to think that he lays aside his ego & pride by doing something silly, crazy or passion-driven…for love of her. Even in the animal kingdom, the male woos the female by strutting or spreading colourful feathers, or doing the dance or something. (They also leave the momma with the baby at the first opportunity to go spread feathers for some other chick, but that’s not the point of the story here!)
My point is, that to get from ‘friend’ to ’flame’, first step is always the wooing. It is the wooing that separates the friends from the suitors.
And then like AVATAR, once you make the ‘tail’ connection with your wild filly (I don’t mean this in a crude way, just figurative ok…just watch the movie before you grill me!), women, being the faithful creatures of habit that they are, then start to feel emotionally ’settled’ and most likely won’t bail sometimes even if the guy turns out to be a borderline jerk with poor personal hygiene. It’s almost biological. We’re programmed to stay once caught!
So if you’re a nice guy with more women friends than you can count, none of whom can actually keep a straight face when asked if they’re your ‘girlfriend’, it’s time to put some sizzle in your schwizzle. Forget the friendly, fatherly mien; inject a little forbidden, ferocity & fervour into the mix and you should have the perfect combination for a happily ever after.
Just remember guys; Ross gets the girl in the end, and you can too!
Good luck!
She entered the house, poised for a tangle. She was quite sure she’d left the lights off, the door locked, her rooms neat. So why was there a lamp burning, the light soft against the window of her room on the upper floor? Was that a shadow she saw, flickering in the lamplight against the wall?
She stepped into the building as quietly as possible, the leather soles on her boots quiet against the shining hardwood floor. She had dressed for business tonight – breeches, collared shirt, hair up. More sensible than the elaborate dress she usually wore, and handy on nights like tonight, when intruders lurked in her apartments…
She could hear Esme snoring softly in the maid’s quarters as she reached the top of the stairs, the rustle of the quilt as it was tossed lightly from side to side. But nothing else. No footsteps, no shuffling, no scratching. Whoever was waiting for her, he or she was very good at keeping well hidden.
Her breath quickening in her chest, her skin prickling, she reached for the door handle of her room, grasping it with perspiring palms, and turned. Slowly, slowly, slowly, the door inched open. She ducked low, prepared for an attack to the chest or head, and shuffled silently and bent-kneed into the room.
There was no one there. No one stood before her, waiting to attack. No one sat upon her divan, mocking her readiness. No one stood by the window, waiting for her return. She stood up straight, still on her guard, and began to tiptoe towards the darkened study, feet light on the ground.
“Don’t take another step.”
A man.
She stopped, heart racing, knowing she was now in a great deal of trouble. If she could only reach the small side table in the corner, if she could just take one more step, she could grab the letter opener that lay there innocently, waiting to be vicious.
“Turn around. Slowly!”
She did as she was told , inching around at snail speed, while thinking frantically about her next move. Depending on his weapon, she might manage a knee to the groin, followed by a swift palm to the nose. That usually did the trick.
“May I inquire of your name?”
The person behind her chuckled.
She turned fully around and felt her eyes widen involuntarily. First of all, he had a gun pointed at her abdomen. Secondly, she knew him.
She felt a weight lift. It was not that she was no longer in trouble – quite the contrary, Gabriel always brought trouble with him. But Gabriel was a man she had dealt with before. She always came away unscathed.
“Did you miss me?”
She chuckled mirthlessly.
“Miss you? Well yes, actually, I was wondering when you’d show up. What’s the bother with the gun, Gabe? Can’t we talk like civilized adults?”
“You tell me, Eva. Last time I saw you you’d poisoned me with laudanum and left me half naked by a pauper’s tomb in the desert at Giza with only a canteen of water and a handkerchief with a lipstick print. What do you think? Do I have call to be civilized?” he smirked at me, enjoying the banter.
“Oho! As though you’re any better, Darling? What about the time you framed me as a thief and had me arrested in Beijing, then left for Turkey on the next train? I’d say we’re even, wouldn’t you, Old Boy?”
Gabriel eyed me warily, then finally nodded his head in consent, and put the gun away. One of my own small pistols was hidden behind the cushion of the armchair by the coffee table.
“Would you like some tea?” I asked, indicating the small table. I gestured for him on the small sofa, adjacent to my arm chair. I stoked the fire and placed a small pot of water to boil over the flames, then sat myself down in the chair. Gabriel eyed me suspiciously.
“Why don’t you explain your abrupt and inappropriate visit, Gabriel?” I said, returning his stare.
“I heard you’d returned to England,” he said, “And I’ve been looking into a case. I wanted to see if you had any information.”
“Why on earth would you believe I have information? I’m not a criminal, Gabriel.”
“Just tell me if you know a man named Earnest Bishop.”
I did know a man named Earnest Bishop – he could often be seen gambling his money away at the boxing ring.
“Never heard of him.”
“Oh come one, Eva, don’t be like that,” he whined.
“Gabriel, you entered my apartment illegally, you did not announce yourself upon my arrival, and you held me up a with a gun. Any information you’d like must be earned at this point.”
artikel yang bermanfaat menurutku ini (para laki2 sabar ya T_T)
Menurut beberapa pakar seks, hubungan intim yang dilakukan saat sedang menstruasi dapat saja dilakukan. Namun, dari sisi medis, berhubungan intim ketika menstruasi hingga kini masih diduga sebagai salah satu faktor penyebab kemunculan beberapa kondisi, seperti endometriosis dan infeksi.
Endometriosis adalah adanya pertumbuhan sel-sel yang ada pada dinding rahim (endometrium) di tempat lain atau di luar dinding rahim. Bila hal ini terjadi, maka seseorang akan merasa nyeri pada saat haid (dismenore).
Banyak faktor yang menyebabkan endometriosis ini. Salah satunya adalah regurgitasi atau aliran balik darah haid dari dalam rahim ke saluran indung telur dan masuk ke dinding perut. Aliran balik ini dapat terjadi akibat hubungan seks saat menstruasi.
Selain itu, infeksi juga bisa terjadi, baik pada perempuan maupun laki-laki. Pada perempuan, infeksi biasanya terjadi akibat perubahan keasaman va-gina pada waktu menstruasi. Akibatnya, kemampuan lendir va-gina untuk melawan bakteri yang masuk mengalami perubahan.
Begitu juga reaksi inflamasi atau pembengkakan dinding rahim saat menstruasi. Hal ini turut berpartisipasi mempermudah terjadinya proses infeksi. Pada waktu menstruasi, terjadi peluruhan lapisan dinding rahim dan keluar darah yang disebut darah menstruasi.
Darah ini merupakan mediasi yang baik untuk membuat kuman atau bakteri tumbuh. Pada laki-laki, mikrobakteri juga dapat menginfeksi saluran kencing, prostat, dan saluran sperma.
Nah, melihat faktor risiko yang dapat terjadi akibat berhubungan seksual pada waktu menstruasi, maka secara medis disarankan jika alangkah baiknya Anda dan pasangan menghindari hal tersebut. Memang, faktor infeksi dapat dicegah dengan kondom. Namun, proses regurgitasi atau aliran balik tidaklah dapat dicegah dengan kondom.
Narasumber: dr.Eva Roria Silalahi, SpOG, dari Brawijaya Women & Children Hospital, Jakarta.
Anna –
Ok, I know im late posting these 2 new videos, Did it Again & Give it up To Me, from sexy Shakira, but I can’t resist posting them! They are seriously hot videos, check them out! If anyone can do sexy, extremley well its sly, shy sexy Shakira herself. The dancing is just perfect especially in Did it Again. Another 2 perfect singles from Shakira! Thoughts?
Eventually I was going to end up on a dating site trying to find someone to sleep with, or something. Maybe love? For someone fickle like me love and fooling around end up meaning the same thing most of the time. That’s too bad but as long as I’m not finding my soul mate I’ve always preferred to get laid as often as possible. This isn’t easy at a distance so I don’t date long-distance anymore. After a while that turned into not dating at all as long once I started to meet girls who were into the “friends with benefits” situation. These have turned out favorable for the most part because nobody can be blamed when it ends and there’s no breakup. Then there’s the added friendship afterward, if you liked to hang out with them.
Somehow things changed. I’ve never been elated to be truly single and hate the uncertainty accompanied with when I’ll be with someone I might like. Over the past week the anxiety that I’ve been getting about going outdoors has channeled its energy in a weird way. Each new trip into the outside world had added pressure to meet someone new. While mostly focusing on girls, I quickly began to realize that I was afraid of the idea that I might never meet another new person in my life. This is a retarded thing to think.
Throughout the past month my friend Nolan and I have been firing ad campaigns for existing services and products. One of them was, since their ads have been successful and are also great to lampoon or mess around with. It to my knowledge is the only online dating service to have a series of broadcast television ads and that’s mainly the sort of thing Nolan and I pitch to each other. After throwing ideas around about not knowing what you’re getting into just walking up to a person in real life, or the ease of use the site exhibits, I finally gave in to the inner struggle I had with my own self-confidence, and my curiosity about this service a friend and I had been focusing on recently. Maybe we both believe in love and this is how we’re telling each other. Maybe it’s just funny to think about furries hooking up over their love for Farkle.
So I took a look into this new world of online dating to see what exactly is so great about it and if these ads, like many, are lying out their ass about how successful this sort of thing is. Am I going to find true love? Who knows, but I’m guessing absolutely not. Am I going to sleep with anyone? I hope so, because if it’s not that then I better be making money doing this. While I don’t know what my goal is exactly, but I know my curiosity has been piqued enough to pay $35 for a month of service and three days of trial beforehand. That means that has a month to try and successfully find someone who is a match for me that I might date, and I’m going to write about every little thing that goes wrong during it.
Over the next three days I’ll be setting up ground rules for how I should go about actually using to meet women in my area. I may have to venture outside my city even, but I’ll do it for a possible fucked up story in the end. First things first is that I’ll be writing daily about what’s going on with this blog, so if anyone is actually reading then you can look forward to something consistent (unlike modern dating HAH!).
If there’s one thing I’ve learned so far it’s that people will pay for love and knows they can charge for it.
“I bought a ticket to the world,
But now I’ve come back again.
Why do I find it hard to write the next line?”
Her slender fingers race furiously over the ivory of the piano, coaxing, soothing, as I close my eyes to Pachelbel’s Canon in D warming up the little living room. I pull on my jeans awkwardly, and tap my toes against the oak leg of the coffee table. The energy emanating from the old piano quickly overcomes me, pushing me back to gentler times.
I can see her eyes closed, so relaxed, as she becomes one with her instrument. All I could do, is open my lips slightly in a weak smile. And my mind wondered.
Her wild jet hair surrounded me like a curtain, and in the air I could smell the slight scent of Ralph Lauren Blue. I’d wrap my arm around the small of her back, and pull her closer until our lips touched slightly. Even with our eyes closed, I could feel the warmth of her smile against my face.
As I trace the line along her backbone, she body shivers and she presses herself against me once again. We kiss raviously like two people that had been starved, enjoying something that could not possibly last. And again, we’d sink deep into her bed, with her sighs laced like her fingers behind my neck.
It’s funny. This small memories.
The small memories are always the ones we remember most well. Buried deep within the harshness, a sliver of gold, waiting to be found and polished.
Perhaps I’m trying to find a part of me that’s missing. This muse. Someone to tame my wild ways. But I’ve been around the world, and I know there’s nothing left to see.
Ah, that first cup of coffee, amazing how it always tastes so good!! I’m working through the soreness this morning from shoveling snow…it isn’t as bad as I thought it would be, but then I do work out a couple of times a week. I am feeling it in my upper back and waist more, that’s always good…so today’s shoveling will work those fat, back muscles some more!!
As soon as the sun gets up enough and it warms up a bit more, I’ll get my gear on and head out to the driveway…nothing much happening today as I can’t go anywhere until the driveway is clear…though I really am not planning on going anywhere. I had entertained the thought of heading over to the mall to check out some After-Christmas sales, that might have to wait. I won’t be able to make it to my yoga class this morning, but I have a feeling they may have canceled classes even if everyone could get out and about, the parking lot of the Y is probably covered in snow…what a mess that would be!!!
Now, with Christmas out-of-the-way, time to turn our attention to the rapidly approaching new year!!!
I have seen my share of ghastly television, but for sheer can’t-prise-my-peering-eyes-from-the-telly-nor-stifle-my-howls-of-anguish VH1’s alleged dating show Tough Love takes the chocolate chip biscuit. “Alleged” because Tough Love is to ordinary dating shows what H-bombs are to BB guns.
The premise is Master Matchmaker® Steven Ward, with a little help from Matchmaker Mom JoAnn, oversees a houseful of love-hungry laydeez who, with the help of his Tough Love, are going to turn themselves into shiny, desirable sex toys for some lucky dude. Terrifying as plot is, it has nothing on the spectacle of tough love in action. Steven is a perky, foul-mouthed Drexel econ grad with a nice line in flat-front trousers; a small, glossy Jewish version of Gordon Ramsey. Only you’re his nightmare, sister.
Steve and 'the girls'
Steve prepares his crew of lovelorn eccentrics, including Rocky, the trout-pouted stuntwoman with 32 pets; Kanisha aka “Miss Gold-Digger”; and Taylor, who is basically a walking boob job with attitude, for finding TWUE WUVE with a combination of relentless bullying and glib promotional babble worthy of a sales conference, or a 12-step meeting in hell. He constantly exhorts the women that negativity is bad, positivity is good. At first his patter is irritating-but-harmless. The longer you watch Tough Love (and it is as addictive as meth laced with E-numbers) the more truly creepy it gets.
Every week Steve singles out a ‘girl’ to publicly berate in what resembles nothing so much as a communist brainwashing session. The others, urged to add their criticism to this queasy ritual, are routinely reminded it is for the victim’s own good. When Jenna, a former fatty with an pug face and a penchant for self-dramatisation, hits the hot seat in Episode 5 she goes into teary meltdown as the girls take it in turn to accuse her of not “taking things seriously” and – that worst of all female crimes – negativity. It is a Stasi-worthy performance.
Ward cheerfully owns up to mixing ‘help’ and manipulation, saying:
It’s been very fun because I have been able to pull all the strings. And have been like a master puppeteer…. being able to put these women into position to be successful and then to also to be able to set them up for failure, it gives me an incredible amount of power over their lives.
Not quite the caring attitude one might hope for from a love doctor. Love’s got nothing to do with it, however, at least not in any recognisable sense. The women are serviced with a rotating cast of blank-faced, 20-something men (aspiring actors?) Presumably they, too, are on the search for true love, but they aren’t held up for scrutiny. The men are there to judge. For women, the message is: love is as easy as 1-2-3:
1) Put yer ya-yas on display – in Episode 3 they are ordered to do a ‘sexy’ photo shoot, and chastised for being insufficiently hot.
2) Clamp a grin on your face and be positive at all costs.
3) Never do or say anything a man might not like.
Terrific advice if your ideal bloke is someone looking for a blow-up doll with a pulse, otherwise deeply disturbing. First, because in this equation it is always – and exclusively – the women who are paraded like livestock. Steve occasionally asks, ‘did you like him?’ But the woman’s answer is unimportant, as demonstrated in Episode 5, where he basically told two of the girls they were stupid for not fancying his choices for them. All Steve cares about is how they appear to the men; whether or not he’s broken them down enough (his phrase, not mine) for beady-eyed sexual opportunists to consider them boffable. Second, because it offers as gospel the truly depressing notion that love is a commodity. If you don’t have any, it’s because you aren’t offering the right currency. The Tough Love mantra is that finding a meaningful relationship is a matter of making sure you fit all the criteria, of ticking the boxes and double checking your inventory. If you don’t have love you are obviously doing something wrong and don’t deserve love until you’re ‘fixed’. If that isn’t an ethos to make you slit your wrists, I don’t know what is.
Ménage à trois is often confused with a threesome. It is a French term literally translated to mean “household of three” whether or not sex is involved. Through popular culture and as time has evolved it has come to mean sex between three people.
The arrangement can take on any form in regards to gender, but usually involves a man and two women. There are ways to arrange a ménage à trois: a couple may hire a prostitute, a single person may put an advertisement in the paper or it may just coincidentally end up like such an arrangement between friends.
Ménage à trois’, unlike threesomes or group sex, can survive as a long lasting arrangement or relationship given the dynamics of the people involved. It is also important to note that comfort levels should be understood and communication regarding sex between all three participants should be clear in order not to create any ill feelings.
As the arrangement is often one male and two females it is important that both women are comfortable with their sexuality and with sharing. People who are open to this idea are better suited to exploring this arrangement and could possibly make it work on a permanent basis.
There are many ways to having sex with three people involved: a man could be having sex with one woman from the back while she is performing oral sex on the other woman; the two women could be in a 69 position and the man could be doing anal sex with the one on top; both women can perform oral sex on the guy; the man could be laying on his back while a woman is riding his cock and he is performing oral sex on the other woman who is sitting on his face, these two women could be kissing each other or stimulating each other’s nipples at the same time; one woman could be riding his cock with her back towards him and the other woman is kneeling down in front of them both with access to their genitals licking her clit and sucking on his balls. The possibilities are endless.
As this is a domestic arrangement, the parties should be careful to ensure the emotional ties are in check. Once someone becomes more emotionally attached to one person more than the other this may cause a rift in the arrangement and possibly ties will have to be severed.
All that aside though, wouldn’t having a third live-in sex partner be totally awesome? Double your pleasure, double your fun!
I know a pretty girl, in fact a beautiful girl, twenty years old, who knew absolutely nothing about sex. Nothing. Don’t ask me how I came to know this. Don’t ask me what I did next (I don’t want to give any ideas to Sri Lankan sex story writers). But at twenty, she didn’t know how babies were born. She thought that if she sleept with a man (here,sleep is used literally. Like sleeping beside each other on a bed with clothes and snores between them) she will have a baby. Don’t laugh. It’s a true. And it’s pathetic. Forget about Tantric sex, Kama Sutra, masturbation, onanism and all that stuff. This is basic human reproduction. And at twenty, she didn’t know a thing about it. I asked her about the Health Science lessons she must have learnt in grade nine. She said she didn’t really understand the reproduction lesson (she’s an average student. Not bright. But not dumb either). At first I found it hard to believe. I had my first crush when I was still a 4 year old montissori student. It had two grades. I was in the junior one and she was in the senior one. A year older. But she was pretty, and could dance well. The feeling was sexual. But not the kind grownups have. When I was in the fourth grade of school, I figured it all out, except that there had to be a rhythmic movement in order to ejaculate. That took me another four years to figure out. The important thing is that I figured it all out before I read or saw anything related to it. To think this girl didn’t know anything about it…my goodness. I must be a pervert. But the bottomline is that there must be no such thing as sex education in SL for girls like that to even exist.
It is just a design but I don’t like it. I’m forcing myself to keep it up. Who knows why but you know what? I love the snow feature.
Living in Georgia means I get very little snow and when we do, these folks act like the world is coming to a fast end. 3 inches and all milk and bread and canned grits get SOLD out at Krogers across the city. I roll my eyes as the child who grew up near Buffalo, NY. 7 feet? Now, I’ve seen that and it was FANTASTIC. Even then I think the stores stayed open and everyone just reveled in a snow day.
Give me snow anytime but for now, it is on this little website. The green one.
I put my wedding photo for a change – a very happy day. I had just had a huge amount of eco friendly (don’t need trouble from you environmentalists so we’ll stop that at the pass) confetti essentially poured over my head. It was cute. I laughed and thought….hmmmmm. Being ecofriendly just ruined my hair and put crazy flecks all over my gorgeous deep, dark roses.
This is sort of a non post because I have zero to complain about (so far but hey, it is early).
I’m going out to spend some money today – home depot and best buy. Pine straw and a present for my lovely husband who brought me breakfast in bed. At the rate he is going I might have to put out.
Non babymaking sex is just hard to imagine – what is all that about?
The We-Vibe is a very interesting and unique vibrator. When you first look at it – it may seem strange, but when you understand how it works — it makes perfect sense.
Imagine a sex toy that the woman “wears” and that can vibrate for the man and the woman during intercourse. I have your attention now don’t I? That is how the We Vibe works. Notice there are two ends to it. One end stimulates the clitoris and the other end stimulates the g-spot. So – both spots are being stimulated at once.
And, it is very thin – so you can have sex while you wear the We Vibe. Men – imagine you are making love to your partner and you get to enjoy being inside her and you get a vibrating vagina. Tell me that doesn’t sound good.
This diagram shows how the We Vibe should be worn.
Now – my thoughts -
This is not cheap – but it is a high quality vibrator. The on/off switch is built into the tip of the We Vibe, when you look close there are two “dimples” – push there to turn it on and off. When its wet – this can be a little tricky, but it is possible. The first time I plugged it in to charge it – it was a little tricky, because the recharge opening is hidden very well. But again, a little work and I had it charging just fine.
I inserted the one end so that it was on my g-spot and placed the other on my clitoris — and it feels good right away. Even on high, it isn’t a hard vibration, but a nice steady pulse and of course, vibrating both spots at once is very nice. I have not tried this with a partner yet – but will post a follow up when I have a chance to try this with a partner. To experiment, I did find that it works fine in conjunction with a dildo or another vibrator. Can only imagine how good this would feel for a man – can’t wait to look into a partner’s eyes when he first feels it
So – to be naughty – I remembered that the website said it can be worn while you’re out. I was going grocery shopping last weekend and I love to shop of Saturday afternoons when the single men shop (used to be Sundays, but they changed to Saturdays during football season). I did notice that the We Vibe is very quiet – so I figured why not give it a try. But I knew that I couldn’t easily turn it off in the store – so for better or worse, I had to commit to the outing with the We Vibe on the whole time.
I made sure it was charged before I left for the store – and I inserted the WeVibe and headed out the door – feeling good. On my way to my truck – my dad pulled into the driveway — that wasn’t good, but I couldn’t go back in the house. We talked for about 10 minutes and he didn’t hear a thing So, I was off to the store and didn’t even mind waiting at the stop lights. I will share that a slight tip of your pelvis with the We Vibe on can really change how it feels.
That was one of the most interesting trips to the grocery store that I’ve ever had and I spoke to all kinds of men while I was in the store. It was fun knowing the We Vibe was vibrating inside me while I was picking up my food and waiting in the check out line. I hate to shop – but this plan has definite potential.
So – lets do the pros and cons
Pros –
slim design and easy to insert
no batteries or wire
possible bigasm even when alone with the We Vibe since it stimulates the clitoris and the g-spot
easy to recharge and long battery life
its purple (my favorite color)
great stimulation for man and woman during intercourse
easy clean up
Cons –
its is expensive – $130, but is well built and high quality
turning it on and off can be tricky – take a little practice
Overall – I really like the flexibility (more than just how it flexes) and I love unique items. Its a great idea that was created by a man and woman to be used by men and women. Can’t wait to try it with a partner.
Information from the website –
Designed For Making Love
“Seven years ago, on a hot summer’s day,
in the middle of an epic car journey,
somewhere between Ottawa and NYC,
the idea of the We-Vibe was born.”
Bruce Murison
CEO and Inventor
The humming of the tires on the freeway started my mind drifting to another humming sound… Yes I started to think about sex, as you do, and I began thinking that the world needed a perfect couples vibrator.
Why was there not a vibrator that would just slide in between two people while they made love? Straps and panties and wires and remotes and dead batteries all seemed to spoil the mood; so the ultimate toy would have to be completely self contained and water proof. I envisioned a toy that would not threaten or interfere with the man’s desire to have sex and yet enable the women to receive all the perfectly placed vibrations she could ever want.
There are devices available that are designed to stimulate women during sex, but most are ineffective vibrating cock rings. They seem to have too little power at too high a frequency and only last twenty minutes and cost ten dollars. There are cock ring vibrators, but men don’t like to wear a restricting device and the vibrator moves with the man, not the woman. The clitoral stimulators that allowed intercourse, had straps or panties and often wires; which I did not like.
“The perfect sex toy would have none of these draw backs,
and it would have zero maintenance.”
It would always be ready when you wanted it and it would run for hours and be powerful at the perfect orgasmic frequency. It would provide Harmonic Throbbing™ to the clitoris and stay just where the woman wanted it. And while you’re at it, the world’s most amazing sex toy would also give women the function of their G-Spot vibrator while they made love with their men.
“What more could they want?”
Making the Impossible Possible
Well actually, I had just read an article on the many problems associated with phthalate’s leaching from rubbers and plastics and potentially poisoning people. Being an environmentally aware Canadian applications engineer, I would have to create a toy made from something with no taste or smell and obviously phthalate free. Medical grade silicone would be just the solution because it warms to the body and is soft and flexible, much like skin. That disturbing news about poisons, combined with the disappointment in the existing sex toys, which often seem cheap, poorly designed, low powered, the wrong frequency and now toxic, inspired us to get creative and attempt to make the world’s best sex toy!
“Over the last seven year we have enjoyed the struggle
to create something truly innovative.”
When I asked people if they would like a G-Spot vibrator that they could wear while they made love, people would say “I’d love one, but it is impossible”. When I asked people if they would like a long lasting, powerful Clitoral Vibrator that stayed where you want it and has no straps, people would say “I’d love one, but it is impossible”.
“It has been a very interesting seven years indeed!”
Engineering A New Dimension of Pleasure™
“We wanted something we could both enjoy,
safely, hands and strap free.”
Thus began a long journey to design and build the ultimate vibrator. After many years of research, different versions and all sorts of “expert tester” feedback, we found the ideal shape and flexibility. The trick was the “admittance arm” (patent pending around the world) that was thin enough to accommodate the penis or dildo while in the vagina.
With just the right amount of flex between two vibrating ends, this amazing vibrator will naturally always try to nestle into a woman’s erogenous zone, even while making love. Women could “wear” a miniature but powerful dual vibe Worn While Making Love™; amazing!
If the vibrator’s entire outer surface was nothing but glassy smooth silicone, it had virtually no friction and a man could hardly feel it, until it was turned on! This was the breakthrough we were searching for. A hassle free, safe toy that allows a couple to make love and provide the ultimate stimulation to the woman while not interfering with the man. And… We all know that nothing makes a man happier; than a happy woman!
“The resulting futuristic design is an elegantly shaped sex object with beautiful flowing, organic lines
housing two amazingly powerful vibrating motors…”
It stays gently nestled on both the G-Spot and clitoris under all but the most strenuous lovemaking conditions! We developed custom high power motors with gold contacts for a long life.
We designed a unique molding process that encases a flexible frame in soft silicone and we created a beautiful device that springs closed just the right amount to hold onto a woman while being completely comfortable.
Due to the We-Vibe’s extremely low profile and its silky smooth silicone finish, it does not obstruct the penis and yet still it delivers the most powerful Harmonic Throbbing™ throbbing vibrations imaginable both inside and out, while still allowing you to make love as you please… In a wide variety of positions!
We even made the We-Vibe RoHS lead free, WEEE compliant, phthalate free and carbon neutral. It wastes no disposable batteries.
Whether you are a man or a woman, reading this article can change your life – finally, you will be able to get rid of your frustrations about the opposite gender.
Men are frustrated with women because they never want sex.
Women are frustrated with men because they always want sex.
Women blame men that they don’t know how to love.
Men blame women that they only talk about love but don’t want to make it.
The reason humans want sex is due to the hormone testosterone, which is predominantly male hormone. A normal male’s body produces 20 times more of this hormone than a female’s.
In other words, a male feels the same way after one day without sex as a female after 20 days without sex. A male that has not had sex in 20 days feels the same way as a female after more than a year without sex.
Knowing this simple difference, you can already understand the pain of the opposite gender. It’s NOT their fault: they are made this way! It’s in our genes! This is the reason why men are men and women are women.
Men and women are DIFFERENT.
Not better or worse, just different.
A man can father a child every time he has sex, and a woman can only mother a child every two years or so. This means, a woman HAS TO be picky about who she allows to have sex with her.
By Nature men are made to seek as much sex as they can get, so they can spread their seed wider.
By Nature women are made to seek as many admirers as they can get, so they can make a better choice and get the best seed.
Men seek quantity – women seek quality.
This is why men seek sex and women seek love.
Love is the proof that a woman needs to have some assurance that the man will stick around and help her with the upbringing of the offspring. For a woman, sex is the culmination of her emotional commitment to a man.
For a man, sex is a physical act that eases the testosterone pressure he experiences constantly. Only after this tension has gone, can a man feel love towards a woman. This is why it often happens that men disappear after they got what they wanted: it wasn’t love; it was the testosterone pressure. Sex for men is the reality check of their passion.
This is why having sex early in the relationship is hazardous for women: the man has not had the time to develop any romantic feelings for her. He needs time to develop those feelings, and the only way to do it is through keeping the sexual tension going for as long as practicable. Sex must be attainable, nearly possible – but not quite. When the sexual tension is at its peak, its release is mind-blowing – and once is never enough, which lays a proper foundation for a future relationship – and love.
Men fall in love through sex; women fall in sex through love.
All of this happens on the unconscious level – we do NOT realize what’s going on.
But the reason why you are here today and alive is because each and every of your ancestors, men and women, acted true to their instincts and managed to attract at least one sexual partner and produce an offspring.
So, there is no need to be bitter about men wanting sex and women wanting love. Those two are the necessary pieces of the puzzle called Human Nature.
And you’ll be better off understanding what the other gender is going through and giving them exactly what they want: a mind-blowing sex or exhilarating love.
Whoever said that women were equals obviously doesn’t have a vagina. I just read the piece at about James Chartrand finally outing himself as a woman.
That’s right, a woman. The blogger you have come to know and respect as Men With Pens has had to use a pseudonym.
I am livid.
Livid that this woman could not make a living as a female. But using a male pseudonym could get herself from the grips of the welfare system to where she was earning a decent living and able to purchase a small home and do outrageous things, like feed her children and clothe them.
James Chartrand had a good education and good skills, but as a woman, she hit a plateau. She wrote the same things, using the same voice, using the same skills, but as a man? She became “certifiable”.
“There was no haggling. There were compliments, there was respect. Clients hired me quickly, and when they received their work, they liked it just as quickly. There were fewer requests for revisions — often none at all.”
Needless to say, her pay rate increased exponentially.
“Taking a man’s name opened up a new world. It helped me earn double and triple the income of my true name, with the same work and service.
No hassles. Higher acceptance. And gratifying respect for my talents and round-the-clock work ethic.
Business opportunities fell into my lap. People asked for my advice, and they thanked me for it, too.”
Really? Really.
I want to scream at these Corporate Suits who have no fucking clue. No, screaming isn’t good enough, I want to staple their heads to their desks and invite every woman who has been discriminated against to come in there and all start talking simultaneously. So, the only thing they hear for the rest of their lives in the unintelligible babble that they feel is all we are capable of producing.
Am I just talking about men? Hell no. The vast majority of women in the corporate world have a chip on their shoulders and they are not going to let another woman look better than them by a long shot. Why? Because that woman has had to dig and claw her way to the top, doing things she shouldn’t have had to do–and no, smarty pants, I am not talking about sex. But, she has to had to take less pay for better work. Less respect for better work. So, trust me, she is not going to let that other woman show her up.
So, where does all of this leave us?
Read the article. It leaves us exactly where we were 161 years ago when in the small town of Seneca Falls, NY the first Women’s Rights Convention was launched. I grieve for my sex, for my sisters who fought for us so valiantly at at time when we had no rights.
I grieve for the daughters being born to mothers who are still struggling to find a voice in the world, just like James Chartrand.
“Truth be told, if just a name and perception of gender creates such different levels of respect and income for a person, it says a lot more about the world than it does about me.”
These dirty headlights taunt the pavement in a kaleidoscope of rusty symmetry and double-tone white. I half-heartedly reach for the brake pedal, but come up short on purpose. It seems to have disappeared among the carpet fibers anyway, leaving me no choice beyond the gas. Of course I punch it. And why the fuck not? My toes tense up with fury and intangible amounts of adrenaline. A caged animal stuck somewhere between adventure and panic. The rush is indescribable. I launch forward now, my head pinned against the defenseless headrest. No need for ambition on this trip, the speedometer’s fully equipped. The ride is rough, yet rough is mind-blowing at this point. Sexual innuendos have me pressing play on my funny bones tonight, an array of “ha’s” and “he’s” escaping in self-satisfying secrecy. Feels good to lack restriction. Puts me in an open ball-pit that sets fire to free spirit and settles for nothing less. Take that, Mr. Responsibility. I don’t need you anymore. I’ve got it all right here. Flying solo again, minus the fancy wings and fears of failure.
Pasión, even the way most Latinos say it, the word drips with desire or anger, or un otro tipo de passion, because passion is not just love, n’ombre, it is a strength added to every emotion. A life sin pasión? No manches! That is a life not worth living.
The passionate Latino – Is it a stereotype? Is it truth? I can only say what I know, and I know Latinos to be a passionate people. It is an admirable trait – one that produces heroes willing to fight and even die for a cause, unforgettable all-consuming loves, and fierce loyalty, but it can also override the prized Anglo virtue of “sensibility”. Pasión is emotion, as puro as 100 proof Tequila, and it can burn in the same way. Pasión does not stop to think. Chale! Pasión acts, consequences be damned.
In a marriage, pasión can be at times romantic, and at other times exhausting. A passionate man is just as likely to be violently hot-tempered as he is to bring you flowers and then kiss you from head to toe. Sometimes you don’t know which you’re going to get.
so, when i was asked to write this blog, i was told i had free rein with minor censorship. okay. awesome. not that i wasn’t honest about my experience at tufts, this is a list of things about tufts that test my patience from time to time. (and if you’re using this as admissions material, sweet, insider’s look. right?)
1. tisch library (it’s finals season so this is most fresh on my mind.)
oh tufts, did you know you had ~5000 students at this school? and were you aware that most, if not all, of the students are type A kids who go absolutely berserk during finals and hole up in the tiny spaces available at said library? oh, you weren’t? oh okay. let me tell you this. it’s annoying. after i spent 15 minutes packing my bags so that i won’t have to go back and forth getting my things, upon my arrival at tisch, i find that there are no more spaces. what? fun times. i guess i’ll take my 15 lbs backpack and need for quiet elsewhere.
2. hilly campus yeah. honestly, i really don’t mind it 99.10% of the time. however, it is incredibly not handicap friendly. how do i know this? i twisted my ankle on a sheet of ice in the back of aidekman my freshman year. i had class in olin. actually, i had class mostly uphill that semester and i lived on the fourth floor of south. what bad luck. it took me 30 minutes to get to class. even asking for police escort didn’t make it any faster.
3. lack of common sense/consideration this isn’t about tufts students but people in general but i have noticed it a great deal more on tufts campus. work on it, jumbos. okay, i work at tower cafe and i serve you the pastries and caffeine that you need to finish up that 25 pg paper. i get it. but honestly, do you need to be on your phone while ordering? that’s rude. also a ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ would be totally awesome. moreover, the library is really not a place to socialize. i do not need to overhear your conversation while i’m reading about just how much work you have and how much it sucks. yeah, so does every one else in the library.
4. no sex in dorms thank goodness for off-campus housing. this is just tells us that you do not want us to have fun, the ‘college experience’ or what have you. honestly, do you expect us not to have sex at all? is this just your way of saying that you want us to be abstinent? i don’t get it. i think most people understand that upon arrival at a college campus, things happen, one of them being ’sexiled’. i had it happen to me. i lived through it. dare i say, it was an interesting experience? because it was. i got to bond with people that i wouldn’t have otherwise. this is just silly.
this is all i could think of at the moment. i guess that is a good thing. also please don’t hate me. i love you tufts. i really do. sometimes you can be really annoying. that’s all.
PORN! That’s right, I said it and I wish more people would say it too. It’s a cancer eating at the heart of our society by infecting the minds and hearts of people ~ people like you and I. We’re the target. Why? Because we’re people and once we’re hooked, our addiction will translate into a cash flow. What do we gain? Shame? Yes. Addiction? Yes. Loss of Respect? Yes. And so much more. But the time has come when this needs to no longer be a dirty little secret, but an epidemic that men and women are willing to attack head on.
The simple goal is proactivity. Do something. If you got a problem… do something. If you don’t, but your have children or teens… do something. If you have computers that your company uses… do something. The cost is minimal for the sense of accountability and freedom that you, your family and your staff can have. Even though this is a battle that has to be fought in the hearts and minds of individuals as they work with friends and mentors to stay free, the first step is one that you can take today…. set up a filter on your computer.
I use a filter called ‘Covenant Eyes’ which gained their name from the words of Job who said, “I have made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a woman”. Let’s make a covenant (or promise) with our eyes. Check out the site at I can personally vouch for their professionalism and can tell you as a father of three sons, it is nice to allow my kids to get online without some porn producer trying to reach into their minds.
If this is something that you’re struggling with, I also want to take a minute and give you hope. It’s a sticky web that we can find ourselves stuck in and there is hope. Just like any addiction, this thing gets beat one step at a time. So, your job is to take that first step today. Tell somebody. Tell a friend. Tell a religious leader in your life. Shoot ~ tell me ( if you don’t have anyone else and I’ll pray with you and help you through this. You don’t have to live your days in the dark clouds of addiction. You can be free today!
I hope this helps you find hope. I believe in Jesus and He has helped me through many dark seasons of my life, and I know that He can help you through this one. I offer you this hope. Let today be the first day of the rest of your life!
a coined term of mine. stiff (v.) – To deliberately become limp after realization of a non-wanting of agreed sex.
I admit to this being 100% true.
So there I was, on a saturday night drunk in my white room;
with phone in hand. I get a message from an old friend. Very bright
young lady with aspirations to fuck, and i mean fuck. Excuse my language.
We make plans to do so at any given time. So the date was settled,
that on the 25th of June, I was going to partake in sexual actions with
my old time friend. Who will remain nameless. The following days took
as such: Sunday talking about fantastic fantasies while playing them
out countless in my head Monday shared an abundance of mutual
masturbation, with while on the phone together. she finishes before i do.
she’s impressed. i play the humble card and call it a lucky day. Tuesday loss of
immediate contact (crashed at derek’s house for two days) booked
a gig on friday. Wednesday went back home, anticipating one of the
most exciting days of my life Thursday Anxious to see girl. I get picked
up at 5:50 Ready to pick up the girls of my induced nightmares*
but first lets side track..
*the girl of my induced nightmares has a chemical unbalance lodged
in her brain, commonly known as bipolar disorder; this of course
enables her to ’subdue’ with wild mood swings, then switch to a more
calm and serene personality. besides the mentioned unbalance, she
has suffered intense sunburn, after a trip to Newport Beach.
(i capitalize, of course to show my respect for the beach’s true beauty,
unlike my nightmare’s makeup ready features.) her back is doused in red;
much like the ass of a baboon. she is peeling from ear to forehead and
the very contact with human flesh makes her body cringe. on top of that,
due to her natural intelligence, the concept of good grades remains deeply intact.
at the end of the school year, she received a ‘C’ on her report card, which would
mean an imminent punishment that would come in great conflict with our plans.
there she is, pleading to her mom that she’d be allowed to go to her friends house.*
after 2 hours of intense waiting, her mom caved in, such excellent show of parenting..
*in all respect, was a complete act of deceit. remarkably, her parents
never found out about the whole incident.
the plan, in its entirety was to go as follows:
the nightmare gives excuse to parents, telling them that she
would be at a close friend’s house.* (see above asterisk)
she would then wait for me at the riverside plaza,
where we would then go straight to derek’s house and have our way.
now for the good part..
life, cliche as it is, has its twist and turns. but there are always hints of
straightening out here and there. today, unfortunateley was full of twist and turns.
as i leave the optometrist’s office, i think to myself, ‘good, 20-20 vision;
more better (for laughs) to see you with with’ as i wait impatiently to leave
the structured hell hole that is my house, i’m thinking to myself, ‘this cannot be happening.’
my father must be proud. to my knowledge, i know, by fact, that the riverside plaza
is indeed in riverside. given this tid bit of information, i find myself and derek
looking for familiar landmarks and such, to get us on our way,. (our tank WAS on
empty when we stepped in the car. without the help of gas it jumped to a
quarter full tank, something’s turned to shit quick. with resources low, and a
trial and error based trip set, we find ourselves on the i-215. with minutes ado,
we reach the plaza, in chances to reunite with my nightmare once again.
we see her, she looks in pain, though very enlightened to see me.
i try to introduce her to derek, for a second time, for it seems they’ve met before*
*after a gruesome loss, in ADLA run for championships,
i decide to take my anger out on my nightmare, sending insulting texts to her.
derek, my companion, also took part in such, to what she remember,
he’s just in the wrong position. “fuck you and your face asshole” replies the nightmare
“okay cool” derek and i both reply with a cool head, and gas in the tank,
we head back in direction to derek’s house; but not with a few stops along the way:
derek decides to stop by his friend’s house for a jamming session,
finds out that the friend is not at the house, so he moves three houses down,
only to be brought with a stern no. but this time with clues, they’ve left to juice it up,
a common establishment for ‘high top rebels and left wing librarian loving liberals.
‘ for me, this means sitting. to my nightmare, this means a series of aches and burns
along her backside. an embarrasing spectacle to behold if you ask me. but who asked me?
we head back to the friends house for what looks like, a quick jamming session,
but what soon turns into a sort of showboating, noisy, thrust which has been
scattered in the form of music all across the room. we leave there hours later
in hopes of finally getting to the house, but yet, another detour.
it seems derek has caught my hunger pains as well, we stop at the
nearest jack in the box and wait for derek to finish. he finished.
we arrive at the house. meeting up with dereks dad, who had just come
back from a business trip from ontario, canada. he looks pleased to be
home. i had brought with me, guitar hero, just in case the nightmare gets
bored, she can have something to hold onto until tonight. i pity. we play
guitar hero for an hour or so. derek gets the message. he exits the room.
here we are; arthur and his nightmare, all by our lonesome. i suggest a
movie to lighten up the mood. she suggests a scary movie. she wants to
watch ‘the happening’ because of mark walburg? is dirty and sexy. ah,
teens and their obsessive crushes. but i digress, no, i dont. i refuse to
watch the movie and instead suggest hannibal, a masterpiece within
masterpieces, exploring the crime of cannibalism. she says nay, because
of its graphic material. she mentions the refusal of sex if i put on the movie.
i reach for the happening, she mentions me being pussy whipped. hannibal
starts to play. it doesn’t take more than 10 minutes for her to get queesy and
want to leave the room. she does so. now ladies, if that wasnt the quickest
time into getting a girl in bed, i dont know what is. take notes fellas.
she tells me the lights need to be off. i grope but deal with it.
then it begins.
(start note taking)
the foreplay begins as it should, me kissing her intensely, causing both
of us to start breathing heavily. she grabs me, pulls me closer, she’s
finally enjoying herself. i pull my shirt off. she reaches down, i dont stop
her. i take off everything. she hates doing it, but she did it for me, and
respect it. i’m solid now. i reach for the protective sheath i snuck under
the pillow, feeling as though this will be another night to remember.
it sure as hell was.
she finishes up down there, and i start to think, ‘this is WAY too easy. if
she was really worth it, why am i not paying for it?’
here’s where the title gains interest. i stall. i stall my ASS of. i hold the
sheath at the tip, as i begin talking to her. she notices, and calls me
on it. ‘having difficulty there?’ shit, she’s caught up. i tell her yes. one
strike down. it gets worse. she has another. i’m doomed to unwanted
intercourse. there’s another way. i STALL my ass off some more. more
sly than anything, i say ‘this isn’t happening’ and sit up. she’s appalled.
so with derek’s parents less than 10 feet away. the argument begins.
‘what the fuck is wrong with you?’
‘what do you mean?’
‘do you wanna do this or not?’
‘i do, i just need to think about
‘i sucked… for nothing?’
‘no, there’s a..’
‘nevermind, you killed it. i’m going
to bed.’
‘no, dont go to bed’
‘i hate you arthur’.
mission. achieved.
i leave the room. and give derek a chat. i even give benny a ring.
i was ecstatic. not only was this the first time i stiffed someone,
i had my situation put into heavy terms by a good friend of mine.
‘alright’, derek says. ’so she basically, lied to her mom, came to a
strangers home, didn’t get to eat until like 9, gave you a blowjob,
then ask her friend to pick her up?’ he’s gonna be in the navy. = )
it seems so.
I actively focus all my attention to the screen,
guitar hero, scored somehow today. She sends me a text, ‘what’s
the address here’ I don’t hesitate. She comes into the living room,
and reconfirms her info. She’s had troubles all day, but to no avail
she calls to her good friend josh*
*I know a josh, this is not the josh I know. The josh I know is 2,373
miles away. This josh has assumed the friend position. What I refer to,
is, his main role in her little puppet show. He is the
labrador retriever stowed away in the doghouse, who
only comes to feed. Time to be fed. She gives him the directions,
he has trouble following, as most boys do. But she said I was different,
because I could keep up with her. Am I still keeping up? Or have I
passed her in this race? All rhetorical. 4:00 in the morning, and josh
shows up in the driveway waiting for the non-sex he’ll receive on the way
back. he can have my sloppy red seconds.
derek turns to me, with his typical smirk, and says ‘she gonna have to jump
the fence, because im not opening the gate. My eyes widened, blue, green,
red, blue, orange. The score is settled. It was all convienient for everyone,
with the exception of deven. With sunburn and all, she had to sit up and sit
down an estimated 18 times, worsening her sunburn. With addition to that,
derek added, ‘she came all the way from riverside to perris just to blow you.’
How frank.
i was relieved. not only did my nightmare go away, but she promised
that we weren’t gonna see each other again. i tried to be a gentleman
and escort her to the front. she replies ‘i’ll be fine, bye’ she stumbles.
i smile.
she sends me text
“..i’ll most likely never see you again, fuck you : ) motherfucker”.
i reply
“will the baby still be named tyrone?’
she replies
‘fuck off”
i reply
‘no thanks, as a matter of fact i haven’t fucked off all day : )’
I receive a text from her around 6 in the morning.
Mentioning my member and the smell of men.
And in my mind, and in my sent folder, it goes as such;
’so i didn’t have the respect to wash my balls before you
blew me, big deal?’ i received no response.
.. ..
time zones frail upon comparison to the duration of our
awkward adventure. because from the time upon
readmittance, 5 days after the ‘out of nowhere text’,
i witnessed my nightmare’s 5 minutes of bliss, be destroyed
by the destruction of our 5 hour relationship.
.. ..
and she still had to hop the fence.
.. ..
.. ..
a coined term of mine. stiff (v.) – To deliberately become limp after realization of a non-wanting of agreed sex.
I admit to this being 100% true.
So there I was, on a saturday night drunk in my white room;
with phone in hand. I get a message from an old friend. Very bright
young lady with aspirations to fuck, and i mean fuck. Excuse my language.
We make plans to do so at any given time. So the date was settled,
that on the 25th of June, I was going to partake in sexual actions with
my old time friend. Who will remain nameless. The following days took
as such: Sunday talking about fantastic fantasies while playing them
out countless in my head Monday shared an abundance of mutual
masturbation, with while on the phone together. she finishes before i do.
she’s impressed. i play the humble card and call it a lucky day. Tuesday loss of
immediate contact (crashed at derek’s house for two days) booked
a gig on friday. Wednesday went back home, anticipating one of the
most exciting days of my life Thursday Anxious to see girl. I get picked
up at 5:50 Ready to pick up the girls of my induced nightmares*
but first lets side track..
*the girl of my induced nightmares has a chemical unbalance lodged
in her brain, commonly known as bipolar disorder; this of course
enables her to ’subdue’ with wild mood swings, then switch to a more
calm and serene personality. besides the mentioned unbalance, she
has suffered intense sunburn, after a trip to Newport Beach.
(i capitalize, of course to show my respect for the beach’s true beauty,
unlike my nightmare’s makeup ready features.) her back is doused in red;
much like the ass of a baboon. she is peeling from ear to forehead and
the very contact with human flesh makes her body cringe. on top of that,
due to her natural intelligence, the concept of good grades remains deeply intact.
at the end of the school year, she received a ‘C’ on her report card, which would
mean an imminent punishment that would come in great conflict with our plans.
there she is, pleading to her mom that she’d be allowed to go to her friends house.*
after 2 hours of intense waiting, her mom caved in, such excellent show of parenting..
*in all respect, was a complete act of deceit. remarkably, her parents
never found out about the whole incident.
the plan, in its entirety was to go as follows:
the nightmare gives excuse to parents, telling them that she
would be at a close friend’s house.* (see above asterisk)
she would then wait for me at the riverside plaza,
where we would then go straight to derek’s house and have our way.
now for the good part..
life, cliche as it is, has its twist and turns. but there are always hints of
straightening out here and there. today, unfortunateley was full of twist and turns.
as i leave the optometrist’s office, i think to myself, ‘good, 20-20 vision;
more better (for laughs) to see you with with’ as i wait impatiently to leave
the structured hell hole that is my house, i’m thinking to myself, ‘this cannot be happening.’
my father must be proud. to my knowledge, i know, by fact, that the riverside plaza
is indeed in riverside. given this tid bit of information, i find myself and derek
looking for familiar landmarks and such, to get us on our way,. (our tank WAS on
empty when we stepped in the car. without the help of gas it jumped to a
quarter full tank, something’s turned to shit quick. with resources low, and a
trial and error based trip set, we find ourselves on the i-215. with minutes ado,
we reach the plaza, in chances to reunite with my nightmare once again.
we see her, she looks in pain, though very enlightened to see me.
i try to introduce her to derek, for a second time, for it seems they’ve met before*
*after a gruesome loss, in ADLA run for championships,
i decide to take my anger out on my nightmare, sending insulting texts to her.
derek, my companion, also took part in such, to what she remember,
he’s just in the wrong position. “fuck you and your face asshole” replies the nightmare
“okay cool” derek and i both reply with a cool head, and gas in the tank,
we head back in direction to derek’s house; but not with a few stops along the way:
derek decides to stop by his friend’s house for a jamming session,
finds out that the friend is not at the house, so he moves three houses down,
only to be brought with a stern no. but this time with clues, they’ve left to juice it up,
a common establishment for ‘high top rebels and left wing librarian loving liberals.
‘ for me, this means sitting. to my nightmare, this means a series of aches and burns
along her backside. an embarrasing spectacle to behold if you ask me. but who asked me?
we head back to the friends house for what looks like, a quick jamming session,
but what soon turns into a sort of showboating, noisy, thrust which has been
scattered in the form of music all across the room. we leave there hours later
in hopes of finally getting to the house, but yet, another detour.
it seems derek has caught my hunger pains as well, we stop at the
nearest jack in the box and wait for derek to finish. he finished.
we arrive at the house. meeting up with dereks dad, who had just come
back from a business trip from ontario, canada. he looks pleased to be
home. i had brought with me, guitar hero, just in case the nightmare gets
bored, she can have something to hold onto until tonight. i pity. we play
guitar hero for an hour or so. derek gets the message. he exits the room.
here we are; arthur and his nightmare, all by our lonesome. i suggest a
movie to lighten up the mood. she suggests a scary movie. she wants to
watch ‘the happening’ because of mark walburg? is dirty and sexy. ah,
teens and their obsessive crushes. but i digress, no, i dont. i refuse to
watch the movie and instead suggest hannibal, a masterpiece within
masterpieces, exploring the crime of cannibalism. she says nay, because
of its graphic material. she mentions the refusal of sex if i put on the movie.
i reach for the happening, she mentions me being pussy whipped. hannibal
starts to play. it doesn’t take more than 10 minutes for her to get queesy and
want to leave the room. she does so. now ladies, if that wasnt the quickest
time into getting a girl in bed, i dont know what is. take notes fellas.
she tells me the lights need to be off. i grope but deal with it.
then it begins.
(start note taking)
the foreplay begins as it should, me kissing her intensely, causing both
of us to start breathing heavily. she grabs me, pulls me closer, she’s
finally enjoying herself. i pull my shirt off. she reaches down, i dont stop
her. i take off everything. she hates doing it, but she did it for me, and
respect it. i’m solid now. i reach for the protective sheath i snuck under
the pillow, feeling as though this will be another night to remember.
it sure as hell was.
she finishes up down there, and i start to think, ‘this is WAY too easy. if
she was really worth it, why am i not paying for it?’
here’s where the title gains interest. i stall. i stall my ASS of. i hold the
sheath at the tip, as i begin talking to her. she notices, and calls me
on it. ‘having difficulty there?’ shit, she’s caught up. i tell her yes. one
strike down. it gets worse. she has another. i’m doomed to unwanted
intercourse. there’s another way. i STALL my ass off some more. more
sly than anything, i say ‘this isn’t happening’ and sit up. she’s appalled.
so with derek’s parents less than 10 feet away. the argument begins.
‘what the fuck is wrong with you?’
‘what do you mean?’
‘do you wanna do this or not?’
‘i do, i just need to think about
‘i sucked… for nothing?’
‘no, there’s a..’
‘nevermind, you killed it. i’m going
to bed.’
‘no, dont go to bed’
‘i hate you arthur’.
mission. achieved.
i leave the room. and give derek a chat. i even give benny a ring.
i was ecstatic. not only was this the first time i stiffed someone,
i had my situation put into heavy terms by a good friend of mine.
‘alright’, derek says. ’so she basically, lied to her mom, came to a
strangers home, didn’t get to eat until like 9, gave you a blowjob,
then ask her friend to pick her up?’ he’s gonna be in the navy. = )
it seems so.
I actively focus all my attention to the screen,
guitar hero, scored somehow today. She sends me a text, ‘what’s
the address here’ I don’t hesitate. She comes into the living room,
and reconfirms her info. She’s had troubles all day, but to no avail
she calls to her good friend josh*
*I know a josh, this is not the josh I know. The josh I know is 2,373
miles away. This josh has assumed the friend position. What I refer to,
is, his main role in her little puppet show. He is the
labrador retriever stowed away in the doghouse, who
only comes to feed. Time to be fed. She gives him the directions,
he has trouble following, as most boys do. But she said I was different,
because I could keep up with her. Am I still keeping up? Or have I
passed her in this race? All rhetorical. 4:00 in the morning, and josh
shows up in the driveway waiting for the non-sex he’ll receive on the way
back. he can have my sloppy red seconds.
derek turns to me, with his typical smirk, and says ‘she gonna have to jump
the fence, because im not opening the gate. My eyes widened, blue, green,
red, blue, orange. The score is settled. It was all convienient for everyone,
with the exception of deven. With sunburn and all, she had to sit up and sit
down an estimated 18 times, worsening her sunburn. With addition to that,
derek added, ‘she came all the way from riverside to perris just to blow you.’
How frank.
i was relieved. not only did my nightmare go away, but she promised
that we weren’t gonna see each other again. i tried to be a gentleman
and escort her to the front. she replies ‘i’ll be fine, bye’ she stumbles.
i smile.
she sends me text
“..i’ll most likely never see you again, fuck you : ) motherfucker”.
i reply
“will the baby still be named tyrone?’
she replies
‘fuck off”
i reply
‘no thanks, as a matter of fact i haven’t fucked off all day : )’
I receive a text from her around 6 in the morning.
Mentioning my member and the smell of men.
And in my mind, and in my sent folder, it goes as such;
’so i didn’t have the respect to wash my balls before you
blew me, big deal?’ i received no response.
.. ..
time zones frail upon comparison to the duration of our
awkward adventure. because from the time upon
readmittance, 5 days after the ‘out of nowhere text’,
i witnessed my nightmare’s 5 minutes of bliss, be destroyed
by the destruction of our 5 hour relationship.
.. ..
and she still had to hop the fence.
.. ..
.. ..
I miss him so much. I miss the way he looks at me. The way he smiles. Even the way he scares me (which I hate).
Anyways, more about yesterday. He told me to do something but I either didn’t do it or I lied about it. He grabbed my hair and pulled me up to him. I was so scared. It was so unexpected.
So, I ended up telling him that I prefer my Boyfriend to my Teacher (that’s what I call him when he does something I don’t like because he’s usually doing it to teach me something). He completely understood my feelings. He even suggested that the next couple of time he comes over we shouldn’t have sex. Instead, he wants me to teach him how to play the recorder.
He’s so incredibly sweet…but we’ll still be having sex (especially anal!). But its the thought that counts…and I could tell he was serious when he suggested it.
See? Everyday he does something that makes me love him even more!
The title is a little odd, but I’m going through a Cold play phase….don’t judge haha. Ok, so as promised…my love life. Well over the summer I quick caring about how I look and I basically quit trying, and ironically enough thats what my love life finally picked up again. I still haven’t seen a penis in over a year but I’m working on it haha. Anyway, I met this skeez at work who I thought was a good guy, but I quickly found out he was no good, so I scared him off by telling him I still have my v-card…I never saw anyone run so fast. haha.
So then two old friends of mine, whom I’ve had a semi romantic past with, both decided to start chasing me down hard core. I have no desire to be with either though because one is kinda a dead beat who lives with his mom and spends all his money on stupid shit, and then the other I would never be with because he has a kid, and I hate the mom. No thanks. I’m all full of drama. Then I met this other guy at work. His friend had stopped at my window to cash out (I work in a casino) and he was behind him. His friend motioned at me apparently and told him I was pretty cute, so he walked up to my window and instantly I knew he was digging me and I was digging him. We talked, we flirted, and he ended up giving me his number. This is honest to goodness the first time this has ever happened to me. I thought that kinda thing only happened in the movies.
Anyway, we’ve been dating (as in going on dates, we aren’t a couple yet) for the past two months. I only see him about once a week because I have a super packed schedule so it’s difficult to balance school, work, and him. I’m kinda conflicted on the matter because I don’t see how we could date when we hardly see each other. I’m just too busy unfortunately to be good at a relationship right now. Plus I’m not exactly sure where it’s heading. I like him, but I don’t know if I like him enough or not. I’m trying not to put too much pressure on it, and to just let whatever happens happen, but it’s really hard not to sometimes. I think once we break that polite kisses stage I’ll know. He’s been a total gentleman so far, which is so different from every other guy I’ve ever been with. They all tried to pull moves on me right away and he hasn’t done that. He’s been taking it very slow…almost too slow haha. Don’t get me wrong, slow and sweet kisses are nice, but I like the heart pounding, brain frying, intense kisses that set your body a flame. I need hands racing, exploring, mouths craving more and more until you feel like you might go mad.
We seem to have cravings for everything: sweets, food, sleep and money.
We crave sex, but for people to actually admit that openly, they would be regarded as crude.
There is nothing wrong with craving sex, admitting it and then seeking it. Having a good masturbation session all by yourself is great too when sex is not at your disposal (there are those who do not have that problem), but indulging in the pussy or dick when you really are feening for it, will be more than satisfying when you are screaming out in pleasure.
“I crave sex. But I crave oral sex more…not receiving, giving.”
You are not alone. There are a few men and women out there who derive much of their pleasure from licking or sucking off someone else private parts. If you have a mate, then it may be a little easier for you to access your oral apparatus at any time you please. If you do not, then not so much (again, unless you are one of those people who are fortunate like that).
So what do you do? No mate, no sex buddy or just want something exciting and fun?
Well you go out and find the dick or pussy of your choice. You might think this would be easy. Offering fellatio or cunnilingus to a random person, on the street or the workplace (a great social networking place), without charge. But it is not as easy as it may seem. They may not want a stranger to suddenly be on their knees licking, sucking and kissing away at their privates and they do not even know if you had a recent dental check up, because really, who does that?
You must also take into consideration what your preferences are. Do they have to be attractive? Will you see them again? Is this safe? (The answer is no, but we take risks just by walking out our front door).
One of the most important questions will be “Can I respect myself afterward?” Only you can answer this question and it is mostly a question women will ask themselves, not men.
There is something, however, alluring and intriguing about this twist on the traditional one night stand. Meeting a man or a woman for the first time, engaging in oral play and then saying your goodbyes knowing you will never see this person again. A little taboo, yes. Unlikely, no.
There are men out there who can attest to meeting a woman who engaged in such play and their paths never crossed again. How many of these men however, could attest to the woman not putting up a fight at first (you know you women pretend and play coy when you really want some dick rammed down your throat) or not regarding her as a ’skank’ afterwards? Not being able to appreciate the moment and the act, but instead look at it as another notch in their belt? Simple minded, some of them, maybe most of them. Some women (side piece, maybe?), who offer their ‘neck pussy’, do so more out of potential acceptance, obligation or in hopes of solidifying a relationship (ha ha ha…ha).
Women too will encounter men of this caliber although these men are rare. They seem to be a bit more engaging and entreating and definitely not regarded as ‘dogs’ by the end of the encounter. You will know of women who have had this type of man (maintenance man, maybe?), because some of them will refer to it as an enchanted affair (too much W network).
Has anyone really ever done this?
There is a woman who attempted such a thing. She had a craving to find a random man get on her knees and wrap her mouth around his cock until he came. She would have bid him adieu and been satisfied with her feat.
So she went out looking. Seeking and hoping. Even had her friend help in her conquest. They took to the streets, the mall, approached a few men, but none of them were right. They did not meet the criteria: not cute enough, not engaging enough, too short etc. Should a woman who craves to suck dick be so picky? That was her nature, she could not help but be selective. Until they came across a group of men where she knew she could score. Her friend approached and made the proposition (like a true pimp). Most of these men were in disbelief, “Head for free? No charge?“ Yes that’s right, no charge.
None of them made a move. So the woman and her friend went on their way. Hearing a voice they looked back and one of the men stepped out and stepped up. He was short, okay looking and little “unrefined” for her taste, but he had personality. So he, despite his shortcomings, ended up in her graces for the rest of the night.
She never saw him again. Does not even remember his name. But it was one night that she will never forget.
The media in America is going beserk over Tiger Woods’ infidelity. Jokes, videos, news reports and blog posts are flying around faster than you can blink. The Indian media has jumped in too, and India’s leading English daily, the Times of India, is reporting the news on the front page! It doesn’t take much imagination to come to the conclusion that our Indian media would not get this hyper if the news had been about the extra-marital affair of some revered Indian sports star. Sure, there was a scandal about Mohammed Azharuddin some years ago, but his reputation had already suffered because of allegations of match-fixing. Most of the time our media seems to give us the impression that our sports stars all lead divine lives!
Which is quite impossible because infidelity is as old as the hills. Poor, rich or middle class, infidelity has always existed amongst all kinds of people. Rich people might get more opportunities and they can afford to keep several women too. That is probably why in most societies (including Indian),”… Kings, landlords, rich men and merchants had many wives, just as today rich and corrupt politicians have many mistresses some even bear them children.” I have heard some fairly lurid stories about some top Indian businessmen and ofcourse, actors. However, when it comes to actors, the Indian media does report it freely, like they did in the case of Aamir Khan. The story died down quickly though, apparently because Aamir denied it. Amitabh Bachchan’s affair was Rekha was also reported by film magazines (not the mainstream media) but then slowly the reports died down. Amitabh has gone on to BBC’s Hard Talk and firmly denied the affair.
Music maestro Ravi Shankar’s string of affairs with different women while attached to one is well known and he hasn’t denied it. Why should he, when it surfaced once it was all over, when he was old and well past his prime, the women long gone? Can one really believe that no one knew of his infidelity? Why, self muzzling of the press happened even in the case of Tiger Woods. His promiscuous behavior was known to some people, some of them from the fourth estate, but it was kept under wraps. Maybe money was exchanged, maybe it was pressure or because Tigers are more good to them alive rather than dead! It was only when he had his famous accident that it attracted every kind of journalist and became a widely reported scandal. If it was an Indian sports star, it would have quickly died out and denials would have come thick and fast. In a day or two the story would have died.
Denials can obfuscate the truth when hypocrisy and prudery rule. It’s some sort of pretend game that people play, pretending that sex doesn’t exist. It’s not as if sex scandals can ruin careers. Not in India. It may hurt their personal life perhaps, but it’s doubtful that any politician’s career will suffer if an extra-marital liaison comes to light. The voting public in India vote even for people with murder cases against them so I think an affair would pale in comparison.
In any case, it’s all covered up. One hears of politicians’ romps with prostitutes and bar girls, hidden mistresses and the like, but no names are ever given out. Stories about Tarannum’s (night dancer) trysts with well known people have surfaced, but while some names were given out, others were swept under the carpet, particularly that of the “dapper son of a prominent Maharashtra politician…”
Prominent personalities in Europe who are caught red-handed do not usually deny their infidelity, and even when they admit it, it doesn’t ruin their career. It’s a little different in America and Britain, and public knowledge of their infidelity has given sleepless nights to some, from America’s Bill Clinton and Eliot Spitzer to Britain’s John Profumo and John Major. The media is quite merciless though, unlike in India. Denials fall on deaf ears. Careers do get stalled and even end, although according to a Wall Street Journal article, new winds may be blowing in the US, with infidelity influencing voters much less than before:
Though adultery was, and still is perhaps for a minority of voters, an automatic disqualification for political office, the fact is that the moral rules by which American politicians are judged are complex and changing…
The article goes on to say that politicians who admit their transgressions and ask for forgiveness are more likely to be able to resurrect themselves.
In India we are a long way away off from people, particularly politicians, from owning up. In any case, the media helps them keep things under wraps. This gives them impunity and the freedom to live the way they want in private while continuing to lecture others.
Related Reading: All posts on Love
All posts on Sex
That’s right Heaven Hollywood is saying it first. The middle aged Blonde women that was rushed from Tiger Woods home was indeed Tiger Woods mother in law. It is said that a black escalade followed her to the hospital (the same hospital that treated Tiger Woods. Ironically the Escalade is a identical twin to the one Tiger Crashed over a week ago with very similiar tags. Another blonde woman my street scoopers tell me was driving the escalade. Tiger Woods mom is rumored to have been in the United States over the weekend and has been rumored seened coming in and out of the Mansion. Tiger Woods Mom has dark hair from what I remember. The woman following the Ambulance i have been told looked “Exactly like Tigers wife Elin moved out of their mansion just days ago but remember Elin has a twin sister that looks exactly like her. Stay tune for details remember where u heard it first. The woman has been since released
1. Studies suggest men really do have big egos…but also that women have small egos - This was the finding after an analysis of 30 different studies.
2. An elderly couple was conned out of $78,000 with a bogus lottery scam – As tragic as this is, it can at least serve as a teaching moment:
Sweepstakes, lottery and “person in need” scams are pervasive and on the rise, said Maria Audas, a spokeswoman for the S.C. Department of Consumer Affairs.
During the past fiscal year, the agency has seen a 50 percent increase in the number of complaint calls about swindles, Audas said.
“We’ve had a huge rise in many of these scams, especially the fake-check scams.”
The Tackeses received fraudulent checks with the names of well-known companies like GEICO, Marriott and Delta Air Lines.
“Nine times out of 10, they’re scammers that aren’t playing by any rules or regulations, and the feds often can’t even trace them,” Audas said. “There’s not much we can do at the back end, but if you catch credit card misuse, we can stop it.”
Money orders or wire transfers, however, are virtually untraceable.
“That’s why the scammers ask for your money that way,” she said. “In a case like that, getting the money back is not an option.”
There are more tips in the link.
3. Seattle Atheists pushing to get sign in Washington State Capitol Building – Last year, the rule change that allowed any group to put up a display in the Washington Capitol Building led to the Freedom From Religion Foundation putting up a sign that pissed a lot of people off. And it kinda pissed me off too because it was deliberately mean-spirited and seemed poorly conceived when I thought they should have used the opportunity to promote a more inclusive message. But it was possibly effective in that the decision has been made this year to not allow any holiday displays inside the Capitol Building. But they are still allowing displays just outside the building. So far, only a Jewish group and the Seattle Atheists have applied.
And I’m very happy that the Seattle Atheists chose a far more inclusive message this time out:
“In this holiday season let us remember that kindness, charity and goodwill transcend belief, creed or religion. Happy Holidays, Seattle Atheists”
Now this is a display that I can get behind. Great job, guys.
4. An atheist goes undercover to gay conversion therapy sessions -
An atheist, Ted Cox, spent the past two years going undercover as a gay man undergoing gay-to-straight therapy programs run by Christian groups (as if there were any other kind).
What he found was precisely what you would think: These programs do nothing to “convert” you from gay to straight. They just try to make you suppress your (gay) sexual urges. They make up their own “facts” — you’re not born with it, it’s the result of a traumatic childhood, Jesus can save you from The Gay, etc.