Tonight I had the pleasure of attending a workshop in Ottawa with Patrick Califia entitled “Getting Hot When You Hurt,” in which he discussed all manner of insightful ideas about sex for people with disabilities or pain. He’s hopping over to Montreal next, as am I – not in that stalker-ish sort of way or anything, but rather, we’re both presenting next week at Queer McGill’s “(re)Doing It!” week, a series of super cool alternative sex education events. Very fun concept indeed! The arrangements were made sufficiently at the last minute that this info didn’t go out with my last newsletter, so for anyone interested, I’m teaching Take Five: The Art of Fisting on Tuesday and the 10 Rules for Happy Non-Monogamy on Wednesday – details below or on my Workshops page. Patrick is giving three talks over the week, and all of them look fucking fantastic, and there’s a whole bunch more going on to boot. So really, you should come check it all out!
While you’re at it, get yourself a copy of the latest edition of Macho Sluts, Patrick’s groundbreaking kinky erotica anthology, first published in 1988 and every bit as sizzling hot today. This is, I believe, its third edition, and definitely the most beautiful, with art by Michael Manning on the cover. The book has been out of print for years, much to the consternation of those of us who enjoy giving copies of it to baby perverts to set them firmly on the path of deviance and debauchery, so I am chuffed indeed that it’s available once again. And – in a fascinating turn of events – this time it’s been published by Vancouver-based Arsenal Pulp Press as part of a collection entitled “Little Sisters Classics,” in reference to the Vancouver bookstore that has repeatedly been targeted by Canada Customs for importing explicit material, including the earlier editions of Macho Sluts. Califia himself testified in the Supreme Court case so I guess it stands to reason they have a relationship. But how lovely that we’re getting it published north of the border so the whole importation silliness will be neatly avoided!
Anyway, that’s the word for the night. Read on for the details of McGill’s week o’ sex. Hope to see you there!
Sex. We love to talk about it, think about it, and (maybe) do it. But how much of what we know about sex is taken for granted? What’s hot, or normal, or disgusting and where do these assumptions come from? How do social values of “privileged sex” affect what types of sex we’re having or may want to have? What about our culturally sexed and gendered bodies? How do we challenge and overturn the systems which tell us how to love and how to fuck?
This isn’t your high school sex ed class. Come get (re)educated. (Re)Do it.
For more information: 514-398-2106 or
Childcare is available for events, please let us know 48 hours in advance. All venues are wheelchair accessible unless noted.
Monday November 16, 16h
Play Party Planning 101
Shatner Building, (3480 McTavish) McGill University, Room B-29
Description to come.
ATW/CLM Collective Members
Co-presented by Queer McGill and FAKE (Fetish and Kink Enthusiasts) McGill
Monday November 16, 18h
Cameryn Moore, Phone Whore
Interstice, 242 Young, on the corner of Ottawa at metro Bonaventure. (do you love googlemaps? here:
Slip on those long black gloves and join Cameryn Moore, Phone Whore for an evening of comedy and cocktails (with frequent interruptions). Ms. Cameryn comes up from Boston with a performance that began between calls. Drawing
from her work as a phone sex operator and delving into the murk of her own sexual life, she considers how what appears as acting out roles for the gratification of others has in fact stoked her own very real appetite for sexual power. “Phone Whore” is about fantasy and mind control, taboos and fetishes, and the place of “deviant” desires in society today. With martinis before and a talkback session (…more martinis) afterwards.
Cocktails: six et plus (commencement 18h00)
Show: commencement 19h00
We regret to inform you that this venue is not accessible.
Co-presented by Queer McGill, QPIRG McGill and the 2110 Centre for Gender Advocacy
Tuesday November 17, 17h
Life is Complicated: The Abortion Debate on Campus
Shatner Student Centre (3480 McTavish), McGill University, SSMU Clubs Lounge 4th Floor
This workshop will discuss how abortion and choice have been posited and contested on campus, particularly at McGill. From the Birth Control Handbook to Choose Life’s Echoes of the Holocaust, we’ll see how liberal and leftist discourses of civil liberties and anti-oppression are co-opted to argue for the so-called rights of both pregnant and “pre-born” bodies. This language is further twisted as the right wing presence on campuses increases on many fronts, protecting itself from criticism with claims of”free speech”. We’ll call attention to the manipulative new face of pro-life and right-wing organizing while challenging ourselves to address it, and present arguments against it, in creative and effective ways.
M’ar Stine
Co-presented by Queer McGill, the Union for Gender Empowerment and the 2110 Centre for Gender Advocacy
Tuesday November 17, 20h
Take Five: The Pleasures of Fisting
Shatner Student Centre (3480 McTavish), McGill University, Lev Bukhman Room, 2nd Floor
It may seem extreme, but fisting – inserting an entire hand into a welcoming vagina – is in fact one of the most intimate and sensual kinds of penetration two people can enjoy. This workshop covers anatomy, techniques and safety tips, with a focus on maximizing pleasure for all concerned, givers and receivers alike. Anyone who loves vaginas is welcome to come, whether they have one of their own or not.
Andrea Zanin, a.k.a. Sex Geek, pretty much writes and talks about sex all the time unless she’s eating, sleeping or having it. She lives in Toronto and is an organizer, educator and writer within the queer, polyamory and BDSM/leather communities.
Co-presented by Queer McGill and FAKE (Fetish and Kink Enthusiasts) McGill
Wednesday November 18, 17h
10 Rules for Happy Non-Monogamy
Shatner Student Centre (3480 McTavish), McGill University, Room 302
So you’d like to be romantically involved with more than one person at once? Or maybe you’d just like to sleep with someone other than your one-and-only? Whether you’re considering your first steps into non-monogamy or you’re an old hand looking for a fresh perspective, you’ll find valuable tidbits in this common-sense approach to enjoying love and sex in the plural. This is an interactive workshop with lots of room for beginners and experienced poly folk alike to share their questions and experiences.
Andrea Zanin frequently speaks about alternative sexuality for universities, colleges, sex shops, community groups and conferences in Canada, the States and internationally. Andrea also writes alternative-sexuality news and commentary for the Montreal Mirror, the Toronto Xtra! and Outlooks Magazine, as well as blogging at
Co-presented by Queer McGill and FAKE (Fetish and Kink Enthusiasts) McGill
Wednesday November 18, 20h
Keynote: Is it Radical to be a Man?
Stewart Biology Building (1205 Docteur Penfield), McGill University, Room S1/4
How are “personal,” “private” identities/choices, and work for social justice connected? Should queer activists be trying to dismantle the gender binary? Or has this goal actually divided transgendered people and sidelined other, more important issues? In order to examine these questions, this lecture will explore the politics of masculinity and male identity through the cultural feminist analysis of gender in the 1970s, through gay liberation, and into 21st century queer theory.
Patrick Califia is a bisexual transman who has been speaking and writing about queer politics and culture since the late 1970s. An early opponent of anti-porn feminism, he has defended sexual variation and called for a broad critique of sexual repression when it operates to oppose feminism and equal rights for queer people.
Presented by Queer McGill, the Union for Gender Empowerment, the Social Equity and Diversity Education (SEDE) Office.
Thursday November 19, 18h
FTM Body Image and Sexuality
Shatner Student Centre (3480 McTavish), McGill University, SSMU Clubs Lounge 4th Floor
Pleasure and intimacy are areas of human experience that have been dominated by the gender binary. The identities of “men” and “women” are necessary for lovemaking, and it is in the realm of sexuality where these genders are physically defined. How do differently-gendered bodies and their desires create an arena for safe and celebratory passion? This workshop will focus on one group of transgendered people, female-to-male transsexuals or transmen. Califia will discuss the diversity of transmasculine physiology, relationships, fantasies, and issues. Are we creating new definitions of masculinity and manhood, or are we striving to bring our transgendered bodies into as much conformity as possible with the definitions that already exist? Are we ready to move beyond asking for tolerance and assert, instead, that our bodies deserve adoration just as they are? Rather than present the audience with a set of solutions, this workshop will ask questions that apply to all embodied people who long to feel bliss and connection.
Patrick Califia has lectured all over the world and is the author of nearly a dozen books. His non-fiction includes Public Sex, which popularized the term “sex radicalism.” Speaking Sex to Power, and Sex Changes: The Politics of Transgenderism.
Presented by Queer McGill
Thursday November 19. 20h30
Film Screening – Annie Sprinkle’s Herstory of Porn
Shatner Student Centre (3480 McTavish), McGill University, Lev Bukhman Room, 2nd Floor
- suggested donation for the Divergence Movie Night program
The Herstory of Porn is a cult classic porn-art documentary that is both educational and entertaining. It examines important cultural topics including censorship, controversial art, feminism, gender issues and sex education. Based on Annie Sprinkle’s touring show, she takes us through a campy and honest history of her pornographic films in a way that is almost Mystery Porn Theatre 3000.
Presented by Queer McGill and Divergence Movie Nights
Friday November 20, 18h
The Psychology and Spirituality of Erotic Pain
Shatner Building, (3480 McTavish) McGill University, Room B-30
This workshop/demonstration will answer some basic questions about BDSM practice, culture, and politics. Why do some people like to be hurt and get aroused by certain types of pain? Why do other people like to take care of those needs? How and why does pain provide ecstasy? What sort of spiritual value could BDSM techniques possibly have? The bulk of the presentation will be devoted to a live exploration of the top/bottom dynamic. Califia will be working with a brave volunteer. They will negotiate an encounter, he will restrain the subject, and then see if they can create an out-of-body experience of sustained bliss or oneness with the divine. Respect the vulnerability of the presenters, please. Do not attend this workshop if explicit BDSM play offends you; we need positive energy from our spectators to make this work.
Patrick Califia lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his lover of five years, some kittens, and a plethora of books and erotic weaponry.
Friday November 20, 21h30
A Naughty Pre-Drink
427 rue de Malines, Métro Sherbrooke
Come join QM for a pre-drink and some dirty talk before we head over to the party at L’Alizé
Friday November 20, Midnight
(p)Leather and Lace Dance Party
L’Alizé, 900 Ontario Est, Métro Berri-UQAM
$5 suggested donation for the Sense Project
Gender Neutral Bathrooms are in effect
Whether you’re into (p)leather or lace, or a little of both, everyone is getting sexy as we wrap up the week with a late night dance party…
DJ Noisy Nora and DJ docroot
Hosted by Queer McGill